Waves Tech
Waves Protocol
Published in
7 min readNov 29, 2022

Intro: Waves Duck Hunt is getting closer to the state we originally intended. Recharge, rope, levelling system, virtual locations, improved GPS and much more — some of this is already in the game, and some will become available with the release of the app. The app itself is going through the final stages of store review, and soon you’ll be able to download it to your device.

Therefore, we would like to present the first DIP with voting. The main goals of DIP-7 are:

  • To add new duck rental mechanics for Duck Hunt, and later for any game on the platform
  • To attract new players
  • To increase the investment potential of Duck Hunt
  • To increase engagement for both gamers and investors
  • To lower the entry threshold for new users

Below you can learn more about the changes we propose to achieve the designated goals.

Rental Ducks

After DIP-6, we made the duck acquisition mechanics more complicated, which greatly increased the entry threshold for new players. And if it weren’t for the low EGG price, it would be almost impossible for new users to start playing. Also, Duck Hunt has underdeveloped investment mechanics, so the game mainly attracts gamers.

In this regard, we propose to add a new mechanic — rental ducks.

Here’s how it works:

  • Any user owning a duck will be able to send it to the common pool of rental ducks.
  • When sending a duck to the rental pool, the owner chooses the period for which the duck will be rented by other players: from one month to one year.
  • The owner also chooses the ratio of rewards that he himself and the player will receive: 50/50; 70/30; 90/10, and so on, as the owner of the duck deems fair.
  • The player can choose any duck on to the rental page.
  • For now, the plan is to add the ability to send rental ducks only to Duck Hunt, but in the future, they can be used in all games on the platform. Thus, the owner of the duck will earn tokens of those games that the player plays.
  • Rented ducks are returned to the owner at the end of the rental period.

Additional details:

  • The number of ducks that can be rented per user will be limited, with the possibility to increase this limit.
  • The owner will not be able to return the duck before the rental period expires.
  • We will also provide a mechanism that will track inactive ducks and return them to the rental pool or the owner.

Feed Limit

At the moment, there is a system in the game, which allows active players to earn more feed limit to grow Genesis ducks, while passive players earn less, that is:

  • If a player opens a gEGG with 0.5 SPICE in it, his feed limit is multiplied by 2. This means the duckling can be fed with 0.5x2 = 1 SPICE.
  • If someone else opened a gEGG, but the gEGG owner received the same 0.5 SPICE reward, his feed limit is divided by 2. This means that the owner of the opened egg will be able to feed the duckling with 0.5/2 = 0.25 SPICE

Since it is now quite difficult to get a duck, we propose to increase the multiplier for active players by 2, and the multiplier for passive players by 4.

  • The player received 0.5 SPICE from the egg → 0.5x4 = 2 → the player will be able to feed the duckling with 2 SPICE
  • The owner of the egg received 0.5 SPICE from the egg opened by someone else → 0.5x2 = 1 → the owner will be able to feed the duckling with 1 SPICE

With this system, the active player only needs to collect 25 SPICE, after which he can buy the remaining amount of SPICE on the market and grow the duckling to 100%. And the passive player will need to collect twice as much, i.e. 50 SPICE.

This system will help players get Genesis ducks more easily, especially considering the new L gene, which is almost non-existent on the Marketplace.

$SPICE Rewards

Currently, due to the low number of Duck Hunt players, duck breeding has come to a halt. To raise a single duckling, you have to collect all the gEGGs from two ducks of the highest rarity, which is a difficult task itself. All of this has made the ducks far too unaffordable.

Over time, there will be more players, the buying/selling of $SPICE will become much more active, and ducks will become more available, but we suggest the following steps to facilitate this:

  1. An increase in the amount of $SPICE produced by a single duck.

At the moment, the perfect duck for Duck Hunt is capable of producing about 50 SPICE. In addition to the fact that such a duck is rare and a real luxury, it is a difficult task to collect all of its gEGG. Thus, the player would need more than two such ducks to raise one duckling. This does not seem right to us, since good parents should be able to feed their children.

The formula for calculating the amount of SPICE produced by a duck has floating values, so we propose to increase the maximum limit for each generation approximately, based on the following values:

2. Increase the minimum reward per gEGG One problem players have now is that if a non-top duck is sent to Hunt, you can spend hours chasing eggs and get like $0.013 $SPICE rewards. Of course, when this sort of thing happens often, it is discouraging for players. Increasing the number of SPICE produced by a single duck also solves the problem of rewards being too small, as the rewards will become larger overall.

3. Duck capacity increase It’s pretty straightforward — the more eggs, the more fun it is to play. We suggest increasing the number of eggs the ducks will lay. The increase will also affect the rewards within the gEGG, so the number itself has yet to be calculated.

That way, all ducks within their generation will carry more $SPICE and more gEGGs, and the best ones will net significantly more. And then two decent ducks will really be enough to raise a duckling.


We believe that the current farming model is obsolete. Every day we release 100 EGG — that’s 3,000 EGG per month — and it creates inflation in one way or another.

Now we are developing Farming 2.0, which will help active users of the project to earn more, but for players who come once a month to collect EGG from their farm, dump tokens and forget about the game for a month, it will make this strategy less effective.

Farming 2.0 involves fixed farming values for each rarity category, which will not decrease as the number of perched ducks increases. This will help us stop issuing 100 EGG per day and give users new strategies for farming that will increase income for active investors.

Farming 2.0 is a subject for a separate DIP, which you’ll get soon. But we want to start taking steps toward it now, along with the increased rewards in Duck Hunt.

Therefore, we also propose to reduce the issuance of EGG per day by 30%, that is, to 70 EGG per day or 2,100 EGG per month.

In this case, ducks’ farming yield would be as follows:

It’s a small step to reduce the amount of EGG being dumped, but big starts small.


We propose that players significantly increase the amount of $SPICE produced by ducks, but reduce the popularity of passive EGG farming as the initial phase of the new model.

This is the first DIP in which every active player has a voice and can directly influence the fate of the project. We, as a team, are confident in the success of Duck Hunt, in the success of $SPICE and in the future return of a respectable EGG price, and that the steps described above will contribute to the development of the project in the direction we have chosen.

Now it’s up to you. Time to vote!

How to vote:

  1. Go to: https://waves-dapp.com/3P38c43ME7gAtDWoM9NqA6juRMzjF2Uxz3b
  2. Invoke voteYes or voteNo
  3. Await the vote results, a vote takes 10k blocks. Anyone can finalize and calculate the result after the vote is over.

Remember to join the Waves Ducks group and subscribe to the Waves Duck’s Twitter!



Waves Tech
Waves Protocol

Waves Tech is a powerful blockchain-agnostic ecosystem focused on inter-chain DeFi, the embodiment of technological freedom for blockchain-based finance.