Duck Wars Alpha-Test is beginning!

Waves Tech
Waves Protocol
Published in
2 min readSep 10, 2021

We are starting to implement features from Dip 4v2, which are focused on bringing more new players to Waves Ducks.

To make a smooth implementation into game economics, we want to introduce features step-by-step.

We are presenting you Duck Wars Alpha-test!

  • In this version of the game, the combat system is being tested and statistics are accumulated for further improvements;
  • In each battle, the player gets a random NFT-Duck as a “Mentor”. Its set of genes defines a set of “Moves” available for selection;
  • Bring your opponent’s health to 0 to “Win”;
  • In case of a draw, it counts as a “Loss” for both players;
  • You do not receive any tokens for winning;
  • There is no limit for the number of matches to play;
  • The baby duck you see on the screen is not an NFT, but only an illustration in battle.

Current alpha-testers can look forward to the upcoming marketing activities with prizes that will be announced soon.

If you want to become an alpha-tester, apply here:

We will be sending invites to e-mail every couple of days for the best applicants.

If you filled a form but didn’t get in, follow our Twitter! There will be more opportunities to participate in alpha-testing soon.

Good Luck!

Remember to join the Duck Hunters chat and subscribe to the Waves Duck’s Twitter!



Waves Tech
Waves Protocol

Waves Tech is a powerful blockchain-agnostic ecosystem focused on inter-chain DeFi, the embodiment of technological freedom for blockchain-based finance.