Gravity and Fusion partner up to focus on interoperability

Waves Tech
Waves Protocol
Published in
4 min readJul 31, 2020

Fusion and Gravity are joining efforts to establish a portal between their interoperability-focused hubs and commit to cooperate in the creation of a seamless environment for value and information exchange between multiple blockchains.

Under a partnership agreement, Fusion will join Gravity’s blockchain agnostic data and oracles communication protocol, powered by Waves.

As blockchain matures into adoption as a legitimate technological revolution, the risk of blockchain balkanization — i.e., becoming a series of unconnected systems operating alongside, but siloed from each other — is higher than ever. Due to commercial and compliance pressures, companies are building individual blockchains within their individual ecosystems, recreating the siloed environments that blockchain was meant to replace. In order to transcend these challenges, ready-to-use cross-chain, cross-data solutions will be critical for a successful, unified blockchain industry.

We’re excited to integrate with Fusion, we believe their approach of tackling interoperability at the encryption level through a decentralized custodian model will be beneficial for the cumulative network of Gravity. Fusion’s DCRM, as its interoperability solution is called, utilizes a cutting-edge multi-party computation (MPC) encryption algorithm to remove single points of failure around private key generation and storage. DCRM is a true interoperability solution that leverages the full functionality and security of all external chains connected through DCRM. This concept is perfectly aligned with our token-agnostic approach to decentralizing the economic stability of Gravity’s oracle consensus model. More information on how Fusion’s solution compares with other approaches is available here.

Gravity is a data protocol meant to connect arbitrary blockchains to the outside world and to each other. It’s a blockchain-agnostic and token-agnostic cross-chain oracles and communication protocol. Gravity doesn’t have its own native token. Instead, it leverages the economies and native tokens of the blockchains Gravity connects to. By integrating with Gravity, any blockchain, such as Fusion, automatically gets access to the cumulative functionality and user base of the connected ecosystems and adds their own to the mix.

With the combination of these different and complementary approaches to interoperability, Fusion and Gravity enhance the strength of their mutual networks and provide the blockchain industry with a richer portfolio of solutions, moving beyond the fragmentation of our industry. Creating a strong bridge between two protocols aimed at inter-chain communication, allows for a deep integration of Fusion’s network to power our numerous collaborations across different ecosystems, expanding the reliability and security of cross-chain decentralized networks as a whole.

As the first step of our partnership towards our end goal, Gravity will run a DCRM node, joining the DCRM Alliance to further practical use cases around decentralized custody and become a candidate as a validator in Anyswap, the interoperable DEX built on Fusion. Anyswap will augment Gravity’s own token-focused value transfer protocol.

At the same time, Fusion will run a Gravity node. Gravity is an ecosystem that unifies and bridges integrated chains, and this will allow Fusion to expand its reach. Retrieving oracle data from external data sources and APIs and making them accessible to numerous blockchains is a crucial step allowing Fusion’s existing and future dApps to be even more accessible on all chains.

“Gravity’s team and their unique approach to token and blockchain-agnostic infrastructure resonates with Fusion’s vision to solve inter-chain DeFi,” said Dejun Qian, CEO and founder of Fusion.

“Providing our users with expansive functionality from various ecosystems, essentially creating a strong bridge and unifying portal between two interoperability-focused ecosystems, is our main goal,” he went on to say. “Partnering with Gravity allows us to address precisely those challenges in a secure and sustainable manner.”

“Fusion’s solutions, such as DCRM, Anyswap and WeDeFi, are quickly getting traction,” said Sasha Ivanov, founder of the Waves Association. “Our teams are similar in our passion for interoperability and blockchain agnosticism. Our synergy will help develop innovative solutions leading to mass adoption of blockchain-based solutions.”

Future collaboration steps will include token bridges between Fusion and Gravity, cross-chain smart contract interaction and realizing benefits of both projects’ dApps, such as providing a 10% return on Gravity to WeDeFi users.

About Fusion

If you want to learn more about or build with Fusion’s interoperable decentralized custody solution, DCRM, visit our GitHub.

Fusion Foundation is a non-profit organization building the next-generation infrastructure for decentralized global finance. With Fusion network, the world will enjoy financial transactions that are more accessible, efficient and transparent than previously possible. Fusion’s seasoned team of industry veterans led by Founder and CEO DJ Qian), is working to collaborate with financial institutions, cryptocurrency companies, businesses, peer-to-peer lenders, third-party app developers, academia, and the broader blockchain community. Its technologies are used behind the crypto mass adoption Dapp WeDeFi and decentralized interoperable exchange Anyswap.

Website | Twitter |YouTube | Telegram | GitHub

About Gravity

Gravity is a decentralized cross-chain and oracle network based on a truly blockchain-agnostic protocol for communication between blockchains and with the outside world, working with the native token economies.

Gravity provides multi-purpose cross-chain interaction without introducing a native token. The true blockchain agnostic no-token approach creates a more inclusive, open ecosystem, while addressing future scaling/stability issues.

Website | Whitepaper | Telegram | Medium | Twitter | Github



Waves Tech
Waves Protocol

Waves Tech is a powerful blockchain-agnostic ecosystem focused on inter-chain DeFi, the embodiment of technological freedom for blockchain-based finance.