Waves celebrates 3rd birthday, heralding Web 3.0

Waves Tech
Waves Protocol
Published in
5 min readApr 26, 2019

On 19 April, we marked our company’s third anniversary with a meetup titled ‘Waves 3.0’, using the occasion to discuss the future of decentralised technologies.

The event which was organised by Waves’ partners Digital October started with a series of presentations from key members of the Waves team.

Tatiana Tsiguleva, head of product, talked about the evolution of Waves’ software, including immediate plans for separating out Waves client, a trading tool, from the wallet — which will be mostly intended for regular users who don’t trade digital assets.

The meetup’s participants then received a first-hand introduction to Waves’ native programming language, RIDE, from one of its creators, Ilya Smagin.

Sasha Kolupayev talked about the success of the Tradisys team at Odyssey, the world’s largest blockchain & AI hackathon, held on April 11–15 in Groningen, Holland.

Tradisys’ solution, based on Waves’ technology, was considered the best in the Rethink Retirement track, and the team will now work on turning the prototype into a fully-fledged solution with APG, one of the world’s largest pension fund operators, managing a portfolio of $500 billion.

Taking a short break from the serious business to deal with some more fun stuff, the lucky winner of the Nivaway contest was chosen. The contest for winning a new LADA Niva, considered a true ‘people’s car’ in Russia (which we only half-jokingly dubbed ‘our Tesla’), was entirely run on the blockchain, which ensured full honesty and transparency.

Sergei Tolmachev, head of Waves’ R&D department, explained the algorithm for choosing the winner and ran it in real time, using the Pick Winners plugin to select the future owner of the LADA Niva.

Meanwhile, another contest was run during the meetup. Participants had to implement tasks suggested by a Telegram bot, such as taking selfies with other meetup participants, and the first 10 people who completed all the tasks correctly collected their prizes.

The first prize was a ticket to the Web 3.0 Summit in Berlin this August. Those who took second, third and fourth places collected 150, 100 and 50 WAVES, respectively, while prizes for places 5 through 10 were Waves-branded Ledger Nano S cold storage wallets.

Switching back to business, Artem Tolkachev, general director of Tokenomica — a fully compliant, Malta-registered crypto exchange — provided updates on the BetterTokens association that is developing crypto standards and, of course, on Tokenomica itself.

Tokenomica, as a major platform for the issuance and trading of security tokens in a regulated environment, offers a technical and legal framework for digital assets. The main news was the launch of Tokenomica’s DEX, as a major step towards decentralisation of trading in the future.

Meanwhile, among Tokenomica’s further plans are the launch of an extended version, tentatively scheduled for TestNet in May and on MainNet in July.

The meetup’s main highlight was a talk by Sasha Ivanov, Waves’ founder and general director, in which he shared his insights on the future of Web 3.0.

‘We are no longer working on blockchain, we are working on Web 3.0,’ he said. ‘In Russia, we are the sole company that focuses on Web 3.0 products.’

Explaining his vision of the Web 3.0 future, Sasha said: ‘The arrival of a larger number of social connections for people and availability of information have not led to transparency and unity of the world. On the contrary, we are witnessing considerable division.

‘But there is a cure for every sickness,’ he went on to say. ‘And so blockchain has arrived, a technology opening doors for a number of other technologies, which should counter the centralisation trend and facilitate building of transparent, more efficient systems. We’re developing applications that bridge the ideology of blockchain, Web 3.0 and decentralisation with reality. We are creating systems that will work and make money right now.’

The presentations were followed by a Q&A session with Sasha Ivanov, networking and fun activities.

In addition to the contests mentioned above, the attendees were able to take part in a contest on their Web 3.0 knowledge. The winners were awarded with WAVES tokens which, in turn, could be exchanged for Waves-branded souvenirs at the makeshift gift shop.

Overall, this year’s Waves birthday celebration attracted many more guests than last year’s event, with over 700 people showing up: a testament to the significant interest in both Waves and Web 3.0.



Waves Tech
Waves Protocol

Waves Tech is a powerful blockchain-agnostic ecosystem focused on inter-chain DeFi, the embodiment of technological freedom for blockchain-based finance.