Waves Ducks Roadmap 2022

Waves Tech
Waves Protocol
Published in
2 min readOct 4, 2022

Aren’t you duckies hungry for some news? Thought so. While our team is hard at work preparing both baby duck and mama duck-size updates to the game, we decided to hype you up with a good old roadmap. It works every time, and now it’s not special. Just kidding, it is very special.

So, we’ve got quite a plan for the end of 2022, and you must be wagging your little yellow tails in anticipation. Just calm your beaks and let’s get to it!

October 2022

The Waves Ducks Hunt app release. It’s coming and it’s closer than you think. Just hold on for a little bit, we know that playing through mobile browser is a pain, and you’ve been real champs about it, so the suffering will end soon. The app will simultaneously be available on iOS and Android. Brace yourselves to experience Waves Ducks Hunt like it’s meant to be!

Marketing campaign. Prepare to be swarmed with ducky content associated with the app’s release. Hey, we can’t do anything about it; it’s marketing; that’s how it works, one savage world we live in. But seriously, it will be your opportunity to shine as a community. Spread the word with us and we will be thankful. Great deal, huh?

Cosmetic items giveaway. Now this is where the fluff gets real. The first 10,000 users who log in through the app will get a free hat for their NFT ducks so that they could hunt some eggs in style. Hats + Ducks = ❤️

November 2022

Socials integration. The Waves Ducks Hunt app will have a feature allowing you to log in with your accounts on Twitter/Facebook/etc. And of course, there will be a sharing functionality. What’s the point if you cannot brag about your in-game endeavors to friends and family?

Referral system and related mechanics. We’re currently working out the solution for such a system being fair and rewarding for everyone, so stay tuned.

World Cup 2022 special campaign. More cosmetic goodies! Expect to see your duckies rocking country-specific jerseys and looking even more fabulous.

December 2022

Turfs and guilds update. Ever wanted to step outside of the Waves Ducks Hunt’s single-player experience? You will be able to team up with up to 4 other players and create a guild to achieve greatness together. It’s still a bit early in the development, but more details coming soon.

With all the milestones for the coming 3 months listed, we’re off to continue our work. Make sure to follow the updates on Twitter and Telegram. You wouldn’t miss a free hat, would you?👀

Remember to join the Waves Ducks group and subscribe to the Waves Duck’s Twitter!



Waves Tech
Waves Protocol

Waves Tech is a powerful blockchain-agnostic ecosystem focused on inter-chain DeFi, the embodiment of technological freedom for blockchain-based finance.