Wavvys #18 ~ October 2020 ~ Indygo, BUZ, Thunder Jackson, Deca ~ Underground Music Awards

Welcome to the October edition of the Wavvy Music Accolades, where we recognize incredible music from around the world with under 100,000 plays.

cXc Music
4 min readNov 26, 2020


The Wavvys are held by cxc.world, an online map of music any artist can contribute to, and any fans can gift exposure to artists they love with just a click.

Watch the winning music playlist here:

This is a playlist containing all the music mentioned in full, so stay tuned!

🏆 Winners 🏆

Music Video


📍 Gniewoszów, Poland
See this track on our music map 🗺️

From a secluded cabin in a lush forrest in Poland, Indygo takes us through an exploration of the simple majesty of the world all around us, and the world that we are. The video shows one woman reflecting on the simple but infinitely complex journey of being human on planet Earth. The mirror scenes remind me of taking psychedelics, stepping into a new world that was there all along.

This change in perspective is why this piece was chosen. To change a perspective about what music, and music videos can be. Not only that, but to show the impact we can have on others by simply displaying raw human emotion and experience.

🕵 Discovered with 769 views, 33 likes on Youtube

🎧 Listen on Spotify ~ Youtube

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🔗 Find Mundinova on: mundinova.pl



📍 Brooklyn, New York, USA
See this track on our music map 🗺️

Buz brings us a relatable tale of personal struggle, growth, and finding the diamonds within ourselves. The title “Acres of Diamonds” is a reference to a story about a well-off man who sells his bountiful estate to go search for diamonds, and ends up penniless and suicidal. The man he sold his land to soon finds that it is filled with diamonds, and the spot becomes the most productive diamond mine in the world. The analogy is that we are all sitting on immense wealth within ourselves, we just have to be content and love ourselves, and look inside to recognize those diamonds, polish them, and share them with the world.

We look forward to hearing more Diamonds from Buz.

🕵 Discovered with 614 views, 65 likes on Youtube

🎧 Listen on Spotify ~ Youtube

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Live Performance

My Live Performance for NOBODY — Thunder Jackson

📍 Reno, Nevada, USA
See this track on our music map 🗺️

Thunder Jackson lives up to his name with an incredible soulful sound that I had to check wasn’t a dubbed studio recording before declaring this performance the winner. Thunder has been busy releasing a ton of music in 2020, and holding concerts for nobody amid the pandemic, creating something from nothing, and that something vibrates the follicles so well I had to share it with you.

🕵 Discovered with 21,744 views, likes on Youtube

🎧 Listen on Spotify ~ Youtube ~ Soundcloud

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Snakes and Birds by Deca

📍 Brooklyn, New York, USA
See this track on our music map 🗺️

Deca brings us colorful syllables delicately weaved into a tapestry displaying stories of human consciousness and humanity’s struggles. From the demons in the head of men, to freeing ourself from our own cages, this album is full of symbolism, lyricism, and reflection.

To me, a long time fan and artist in the genre, it’s a bright bulb in a dimming field of hip hop. Thought provoking speech samples throughout the album hold the story together, and guide us from the past to the future.

🕵 Discovered with 12,306 views, likes on Youtube

🎧 Listen on Spotify ~ Youtube ~ Soundcloud ~ Bandcamp

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📰 News Section


Friends, we recently debuted the latest version of cXc Music, Gold Version.

Gold Version offers three new map styles, and improved music dots.

This is the final minor release until we move to Beta, with crypto rewards on the Wax blockchain, and so much more.

Gold Version offers the simpler genre dots at a deeper zoom level and three new map styles. Access the new styles

Click 🗺️ Style -> 🗺️ Background

🟨 Gold Version 🟨 ⬛

🎃 Pumpkin 🟧 🟪

🌍 Pachamama 🟦 🟩

Note from Douglas

The Wavvys will be taking a break for the next few months as I work on the next release of cXc Music. It’s a huge time commitment to make the Wavvys happen, and we’re already behind. For the best service to all musicians, it’s time to put my head down to finish coding the blockchain integration I have been excited to share with you since I started this project.

I really can’t express just how stoked I am to share with you this platform which is only just getting started. The economics of the blockchain integration is something that hasn’t been used in ANY dApp, ever. It’s an idea I have spent the better part of a decade perfecting, and it has the potential to change everything. You, users of cXc Music, will be the first to benefit from this technology. Sky is the limit.

We will return shortly after the Beta release!!

ℹ️ About the Wavvy Music Accolades🕺 🌊

An accolade is a recognition of merit. We started the Wavvy Music Accolades to recognize AWESOME music that has somehow remained undiscovered.

✔️ Rules



cXc Music
Editor for

Multi-chain Music NFT Map 🗺️ where Ups 🔺 make music grow 🌱🌳 Up music you love with a click 👇🔺 = 💜 Add your jams at cXc.world 👇👇+🎵 linktr.ee/cxc.world