Announcement: new writings

Virginia Vigliar
Published in
2 min readSep 15, 2022

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Dear beautiful souls,

I have been brewing this for a while, and I am very excited to announce it. I feel incredibly supported by this community, and I hope that what I am creating will be even cosier and more tender.

I have started a newsletter where I will be sending my essays from now on, it is called- DRUMROLL- Waves!! Those who know me know that I love the sea and I am moody (emotional waves 😂) so it makes sense. Also, the sea is complex and nuanced, it has depth, so this name seemed quite fitting.

What to expect? I will write about what I always do, but in a more intimate and intentional community, delving into metaphors from mycelium networks to whales, and talking to artists, creatives, activists, teachers, shamans and more. Playlists, writing advice, and reading recommendations, to create a community of people who access poetic antidotes to systemic issues ON THE DAILY!

You might know that in my writing, I question, and reflect on, the social paradigms currently in place through an approach centred on the emotional and spiritual as well as on the political and logical. This will continue, and I will be sharing rituals for every newsletter that will be curated for the content. The aim is to live intentionally and slowly, joyfully and beautifully, whilst being aware of the systems that inhabit our bodies and environments.

If you decide to subscribe, I’ll be sending a letter soon about what brought me here, and certainly, some of you inspired me too. You can join by clicking the link here and entering your email, I hope to see you by the waves!

Much love,


