Drops: On committing to peace

Virginia Vigliar
Published in
2 min readMay 16, 2022

what does it mean to commit to one’s own peace?

This morning I woke up to look for the lunar eclipse but the clouds had gotten to her first. It wasn’t there, but it’s been present every day, as I have been unable not to think about what needs to be shed for me to commit to my own peace.

Committing to peace means letting go, it means leaving behind what made you comfortable for years, it means welcoming your body as an ally, though we have been taught endless times that it is not; that we should change it and never be satisfied with it. Committing to peace means accepting the possibility that as you move forward, some you love might not, and this will transform your relationships. It means caring for yourself — and others- radically. Committing to peace means taking a leap into a zone that is so uncomfortable it feels like a thousand itching ants crawling from the earth up to your head. Committing to peace means telling yourself the truth. When you try keep your feet in the you that was and the you that wants to be, you end up split in half, with too many things on your plate, never truly satisfied. Peace lives on a mountain that can take years to climb, but then you get to the top, and see the sun rise.

A trip that started four days ago took me on a journey from the acceptance of death to the witnessing of life. She’s funny like that, this life. This morning I stared out the window of a train into a valley, listened to music, wrote, and cried. It was absolutely necessary and radically peaceful.

May you remember all the ways you are at peace. ❤

Drops is a Waves column created by Virginia Vigliar, it showcases short reflections and knowledge sharing for you to water. If you need a quick break, want to be immersed in poeticism with purpose, then this is for you!

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