Drops: the war on pleasure

Thoughts on why the abortion ban is an attack on love and pleasure.

Virginia Vigliar
2 min readOct 4, 2021


Self portrait, Cecilia Granara 2021

Most of my work is now on my Substack by the same name.

Much of the narrative that I have observed these past weeks around the abortion ban focuses on rape and incest and the fact that even in these cases a woman is unable to choose whether to keep her child or not. ⁣

Whilst I do not want to take away from the disgust that surrounds this part of the ban, I believe only focusing on this is problematic. ⁣Why? Because only focusing on the most unacceptable part of this whole situation creates a cycle where we are first appalled, then armless, and then distant from it. If we understand this as an attack also on our humanity, perhaps more of us, even those without uteruses, can relate to it more.

A common denominator of any oppressive system is to remove pleasure and love. ⁣

It is therefore important to also see that the abortion ban is not only a war on women, and is also a war on LOVE and PLEASURE.⁣
Because when abortion is not a right, it means that people with uteruses have to fear every time they make love or choose pleasure. ⁣

A common denominator of any oppressive system is to remove pleasure and love. ⁣

“Love has never been a popular movement,” said James Baldwin when discussing systemic issues like racism. ⁣

These laws concern every single one of us because until all of us are free, none of us are.⁣ Actively working on pleasure and love on a daily basis is key. ⁣


Drops is a Waves column created by Virginia Vigliar, it showcases short reflections and knowledge sharing for you to water. If you need a quick break, want to be immersed in poeticism with purpose, then this is for you!

You can follow Virginia on Instagram here

