Drops: what it means to thrive

Virginia Vigliar
Published in
2 min readAug 8, 2021

⁣In a chat on race, identity and feminism last week, someone said “Thriving in the patriarchy you say, but shouldn’t we dismantle the patriarchy?”. Immediately, the image of a flower blooming through concrete entered my mind. ⁣

Well, I thought, in a way, to thrive within the patriarchy is to dismantle it; a flower growing through concrete must break it in order to thrive. ⁣

To thrive we must water ourselves, be joyful, and sit comfortably in pain and discomfort. This is why, to me, a fundamental part of political life is to thrive and to do so wilfully.⁣⁣

The action of thriving is in itself a way to destroy the paradigms created around us, and to thrive, we must explore the erotic, the emotional, the poetic, the nurturing bond towards nature. ⁣

To thrive we must water ourselves, be joyful, and sit comfortably in pain and discomfort. This is why, to me, a fundamental part of political life is to thrive and to do so wilfully.⁣

Thank you@audaciouswomenfest for hosting this incredible talk. And to @msafropolitan for the constant poetic inspiration, and @myzfrancois for creating the space to discuss in such a loving and insightful way. 🙏🏼


Drops is a Waves column created by Virginia Vigliar, it showcases short reflections and knowledge sharing for you to water. If you need a quick break, want to be immersed in poeticism with purpose, then this is for you!

You can follow Virginia on Instagram here

