2 Second Transactions: Brought to you by the alpha WAX Blockchain

WAX io
Published in
1 min readJul 11, 2018

With the alpha WAX Blockchain live, we wanted to share with you a screenshot from a recent set of transactions, where we have consistently achieved 2–4 second transaction speeds:

alpha WAX Blockchain transaction speeds — minimum and maximum per hour (click to expand)

As you know, the first project to move to the alpha WAX Blockchain was an overnight success and has slashed transaction speeds and fees to a fraction of what they were on the Ethereum blockchain.

And now — with two second transactions, the addition of the WAX Blockchain Bridge Service that will allow non-fungible tokens to trade across a variety of blockchains, and the expansion of WAX ExpressTrade to include 20+ blockchain-based games — the utility of the WAX Blockchain and Platform is primed to replace the current inefficient digital items trading process with one that’s fast, secure, and simple to use for both marketplaces and customers.

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WAX io

WAX is the safest and most convenient way to create, buy, sell and trade virtual items.