Understanding WAX Blockchain Resources: CPU, NET & RAM

WAX io
Published in
3 min readOct 17, 2023

WAX Blockchain stands prominently as one of the world’s most utilized platforms, hosting an impressive array of dApps and digital collections. As globally renowned brands and avid collectors alike converge on WAX, it’s essential to grasp the core resources — NET, CPU, and RAM — that make it all possible. Join us as we delve into these critical components, ensuring you’re well-equipped in the digital collectible landscape.

NET & CPU: The Heartbeat of WAX Transactions

At the core of the WAX Blockchain’s functioning lie two primary bandwidth resources: NET and CPU. Their synergy ensures the fluidity of operations on the network:

  • NET: Referring to the blockchain’s throughput, NET determines the volume of data you can send or receive over a specific timeframe. Whether you’re buying a new digital collectible or selling one from your collection, the data involved in these transactions utilizes NET.
  • CPU: If NET denotes the ‘volume’ of a transaction, CPU represents its ‘speed.’ Depending on the WAX Blockchain’s activity, the CPU bandwidth you can access will vary. When there’s a flurry of activity, say during a highly-anticipated digital collectible drop, the CPU time is more constrained. Conversely, during quieter periods, you will have more CPU available to you.

For collectors and enthusiasts, staking WAX Tokens is the key. The more tokens you stake, the more bandwidth you’re allotted. This is particularly beneficial during high-demand periods when everyone is vying to snag that coveted digital item.

Bandwidth Allocation: Flexibility at its Best

When you stake a WAX Token, it’s allocated either towards NET or CPU, giving you a chunk of the corresponding bandwidth. Here’s the beauty of this system: You decide how your tokens are allocated. If you feel a surge in trading activity coming up, you might opt to allocate more towards CPU for additional transactions.

Just starting out and not sure how to balance your WAX tokens between CPU and NET? We’d suggest a 10:1 ratio of CPU:NET when you are getting started. Not to mention that voting with your staked WAX tokens helps determine the Top 21 Guilds and rewards you as well.

And remember, if you ever feel the need to adjust or retrieve your tokens, you can unstake them. However, note there’s a 72-hour waiting period post-unstaking. After this cooldown, your WAX Tokens are returned to you.

RAM: The Unsung Hero of Persistent Storage

Beyond NET and CPU, there’s another pivotal component — RAM. This resource acts as the permanent storage of the WAX Blockchain. It’s where all critical data, such as ownership details of digital collectibles or WAX Token balances, is securely stored.

While the functions of RAM might seem behind the scenes, for collectors, it’s crucial. For instance:

  • Account Creation: Setting up a WAX Account or updating your collection requires RAM. To help newcomers, every WAX Account created through My Cloud Wallet gets a starting 3KB of RAM.
  • dApps: These are applications that enhance the WAX experience. For instance, a dApp might be a unique gallery to showcase your digital collectibles. These applications use RAM to maintain their data, which means every interaction, every new addition to your digital gallery, taps into RAM.
  • Buying & Selling: Given its finite nature, RAM has its marketplace. Prices fluctuate based on demand and supply. As a collector, if you’re looking to engage more deeply, perhaps by creating custom galleries or organizing community events, you might need to engage with the RAM market.

For every digital collector, a smooth experience on the WAX Blockchain is paramount. This is achieved by understanding the trio of NET, CPU, and RAM. By leveraging these resources smartly, collectors can ensure swift transactions, secure their prized collectibles, and immerse themselves fully in the vibrant world of digital collecting on WAX.

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