VGO Items Will Trade on the WAX Blockchain

WAX io
Published in
2 min readMay 16, 2018

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WAX is excited to reveal that VGO will be the first blockchain-based tradeable items to use the WAX Blockchain for all trades.

What is VGO?

VGO is blockchain-based items, designed for collecting and trading, that are not subject to any trade restrictions. VGO items are designed to mimic the trading experience of popular games, but without onerous trading restrictions.

VGO is another such product in the blockchain-based digital items trading category, and VGO items will be the first product to use the WAX Blockchain for facilitating trades between its users.

Why trade VGO items?

VGO makes it possible to collect and trade digital items effortlessly.

All items are one-of-a-kind and generated through the use of blockchain technology (smart contracts). Each item generated links back to a blockchain transaction for full transparency, so items cannot be duplicated.

Can customers lose their VGO items, or can VGO get shut down?

No. Since VGO uses blockchain technology, no one can shut it down, even VGO itself. If the VGO website disappeared, the data behind the items would still exist and could be rendered with graphics to showcase the unique properties of the items.

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WAX io

WAX is the safest and most convenient way to create, buy, sell and trade virtual items.