WAX Announces Office of the Inspector General to Evaluate WAX Guild Performance

WAX io
Published in
3 min readNov 7, 2019

Evaluating and selecting block producers (called Guilds on the WAX Blockchain) is a crucial dependency of DPoS-based blockchains. WAX has created the Office of the Inspector General — a neutral third-party role designed to evaluate WAX Guild Candidates’ contribution to the ecosystem and provide ongoing transparency for the community. The Inspector General (OIG) is designed as as committee with 3 members who will standardize WAX Guild evaluations, and properly recognize those WAX Guilds making valuable contributions to the WAX ecosystem.

The OIG consists of 3 members, one chairperson and two standbys and act collectively to handle the responsibilities of the office. The first OIG chair, ZenBlocks.io, will issue detailed criteria in the near future, including OIG responsibilities, evaluation parameters, scoring mechanisms, and more. ZenBlocks will begin contacting WAX Guild candidates by November 7th, 2019 to begin scoring their applications and issue their first report by November 18th,2019.

Inspector General Mission

The mission of the Inspector General is to provide quantitative and qualitative assessments of WAX Active Guilds, Standby Guilds, and Guild Candidates on a continuous and transparent basis in order to:

1) Assist WAX Token holders in their guild voting decision-making.

2) Ensure all WAX Active Guilds, Standby Guilds, and Guild Candidates are objectively and consistently evaluated across a common set of relevant performance criteria.

Inspector General Selection Process

The Inspector General (OIG) will be selected by the WAX Guilds as follows:

  • The OIG will be compensated in WAX Tokens and be paid out of the WAX Worker Proposal fund.
  • Each OIG’s tenure is 9 months, 3 months in each position starting from May 1, 2020.
  • There will be a first standby OIG and second standby OIG. The first standby OIG will take over from the OIG chair once their tenure has ended. After the OIG chair’s tenure has concluded, the first standby will take over unless unavailable, in which case the second standby will take over. The second standby will take over the first standby responsibility after the first standby rotates to the chair role.
  • New standbys will be voted on once the existing standbys have filled the OIG chair position, as the OIG chair finishes their 9 month tenure to free up a standby position.
  • OIG position rotation will begin May 1, 2020, each position will have a 3 month tenure (quarterly rotation)

WAX Inspector General and Standby Details:

OIG Chair:

ZenBlocks.io (formerly EOS Miami)

Website: https://zenblocks.io

Medium: https://medium.com/@zenblocksio

Twitter: https://twitter.com/zenblocksio

Standby 1:

EOS Detroit

Main website: https://eosdetroit.io

Medium: https://medium.com/@eosdetroit

Twitter: https://twitter.com/eosiodetroit

Standby 2:

eosBarcelona: http://eos.barcelona

Medium: https://medium.com/eosbarcelona

Twitter: https://twitter.com/eosbarcelona


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Originally published at https://wax.io.



WAX io

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