WAX & Huobi.pro: Important Update

WAX io
2 min readJan 20, 2018


Communication, transparency and accountability are fundamental for building trust.

Recent events around the WAX Token launch on Huobi.pro have created confusion for both Huobi.pro users and WAX Token holders, which our teams would like to take the opportunity to address.

● Token Supply: the confusion over the supply of WAX Tokens being distributed was the result of information gathered from an outdated version of WAX’s white paper. The correct WAX Token contract reports a supply of 1.85 billion tokens, but only a supply of 185 million tokens was reflected on Huobi.pro when trade commenced.

● Misinterpretation of statements by Huobi.pro CEO: due to the holidays, our teams experienced a delay in communications. During this time, the CEO of Huobi.pro held a press conference to address the misstep and communicate clear next steps for compensating customers. However, a few statements were misunderstood and taken out of context, resulting in a narrative that painted WAX in a negative light. This was never Huobi.pro’s intention. Huobi.pro highly values the relationship we have with our partner.

We recognize the magnitude of damage that can arise from miscommunication and are working closely together to implement the proper protocols for ensuring the accuracy of information between Huobi.pro, WAX and all partners.

For more information on receiving compensation for WAX Token transactions, please visit: https://www.huobi.pro/notice_detail/?id=799

Huobi.pro and The WAX team



WAX io

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