WAX Labs, the Blockchain Innovation Hub

WAX io
Published in
3 min readApr 13, 2023

Are you ready to make your mark on the WAX Blockchain? Look no further than WAX Labs — the place where innovation happens. WAX Labs funds non-profit projects that add value to the WAX NFT ecosystem, intending to make it even more awesome than it already is.

Fuel Your Imagination

WAX Labs is a worker proposal program where developers can propose non-profit projects to drive innovation on the WAX Blockchain. WAX Labs provides funding for these projects in the form of WAXP, the native WAX Blockchain token. All project proposals are welcome, no matter if they are developer tools, marketing initiatives, or community efforts; projects are eligible for funding as long as they benefit the WAX ecosystem. The only submission requirement is that the project must add value to the WAX NFT ecosystem and be non-profit.

With over 150 Million WAXP worth millions of USD, WAX Labs is a paradise for blockchain innovators ready to turn their ideas into reality. Whether you’re a seasoned blockchain developer or just starting, WAX Labs is the perfect platform to showcase your skills and make magic happen.

WAXDAO.io, a Prime Example

WAXDao is a project funded through WAX Labs and aims to provide users and creators with the necessary tools to make the most out of their NFTs on the WAX blockchain. With their platform, users can easily buy, sell, and stake NFTs while adding utility to their projects. This platform is a great option for anyone looking to take their NFTs to the next level on WAX.

“From the outset, WAXDAO has been driven by a passion for creating innovative tools that empower NFT users and creators on the WAX blockchain. Thanks to the support of WAX Labs, we’re making that vision a reality.” — Mike D., Founder of WAXDAO.io

Check out WAXDAO.io here

Unleash Your Creativity

Submitting your project proposal to WAX Labs is as easy as pie. All you need to do is head over to https://labs.wax.io/ and follow the instructions on the page. Once your project has been reviewed and approved, you’ll receive funding in the form of WAXP, WAX blockchain’s native token.

WAX Labs’ unique approach to blockchain research and development has made it a pioneer in the world of NFTs and gaming. By funding non-profit projects that add value to the WAX NFT ecosystem, WAX Labs drives innovation and creates a more vibrant ecosystem for all.

Join the Movement

Worker proposal programs have been a game-changer for growing blockchain ecosystems. EOSIO and Steem are examples of platforms that have seen explosive growth thanks to their worker proposal systems. With WAX Labs, you can join the movement and be a part of the future of blockchain.

WAX Labs is committed to democratizing NFTs and breaking down the barriers to entry. By funding projects that make it easier for everyone to create, trade, and collect NFTs, WAX Labs is paving the way for a more inclusive and accessible blockchain ecosystem.

What are you waiting for?

WAX Labs is where the action is. Head over to https://labs.wax.io, and let’s make some magic happen! With more than 150 Million WAXP up for grabs, it’s time to unleash your creativity and join the movement.

Submit your proposal today.

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