WAX News Roundup

WAX io
Published in
5 min readJan 30, 2018

Bringing you a roundup of WAX news updates over the last few weeks!

WAX Newsletter

Firstly, WAX is starting a newsletter to keep the community updated on all things WAX. If you’ve previously received emails from WAX, you’re already on the list. Otherwise, you can sign up at https://wax.io/

There, you’ll have an opportunity to tell us what you want to learn about our project in our newsletters so that we can tailor content to best fit the community’s interests.

Sign up for the WAX newsletter at wax.io

WAX at the Davos World Economic Forum

WAX CEO William Quigley presented at a cryptocurrency event adjacent to the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland in January.

William Quigley, CEO of WAX, presenting at a crypto event adjacent to the WEF in Davos

WAX Partners with Robot Cache

In our latest news update, WAX announced a strategic alliance with Robot Cache!

This relationship is intended to benefit game publishers and developers, as well as gamers. Previously, gamers were limited to reselling physical copies of a video game. However they can now resell digital games purchased on the Robot Cache platform, using the blockchain, and retain 25% of the proceeds, with developers and publishers earning 70%. Selling digital games earns IRON, Robot Cache’s cryptocurrency, which can be mined or used towards the purchase of another platform game.

“Once publishers and gamers realize the benefit of reduced costs and ease of use to acquire games using WAX on Robot Cache, the industry will never be the same,” says WAX President Malcolm CasSelle.

On the Robot Cache team is Brian FargoFounder of Interplay Entertainment & inXile Entertainment — who is also an advisor to WAX.

There will also be an airdrop of IRON to holders of WAX. Details to follow, stay tuned!

WAX Sponsors and Presents at TNABC

WAX was a gold sponsor at The North American Bitcoin Conference in Miami, FL in January, where President Malcolm CasSelle presented the scope of the in-game digital items trading market and WAX’s use case to thousands of attendees.

View the presentation here:

WAX also had a booth where the team met many of our supporters (thanks guys!), educated attendees, and gave away lots of WAX swag (which you can now purchase here!)

Arielle Brechisci, Special Projects Manager for WAX, talking WAX with attendees at TNABC Miami

Also coming out of TNABC, an interview with CryptoCanucks:


WAX at the Kyber Network Developer Competition in Seoul

WAX was invited to participate a developer competition sponsored by our partners at Kyber Networks in Seoul, South Korea. Brent Cohen, WAX’s Head of Product, joined Kyber’s Loi Luu (CEO), TN Lee (Head of Business Development) and others from their management team at this event. Also sponsoring the event was Simon Kim (CEO) and his team at #Hashed. #Hashed has been active supporters of both WAX and Kyber.

Meet-ups like this draw crypto enthusiasts by the hundreds across South Korea and this event was no exception. Five teams from local colleges had been selected to present business ideas that incorporate the Kyber Network. The grand prize winner took home $30,000!

After a few days of meetings in Seoul, it was clear that Koreans are extremely interested in and supportive of blockchain projects like WAX and Kyber. This has led to a “Kimchi premium” (Koreans pay more for crypto there than in other countries) which has the government worried that there is overheated interest (e.g., speculation) in this unregulated space.

Simon from #Hashed is a frequent commentator on blockchain and crypto issues. He believes that his country’s government wants to be a global leader in the efforts to regulate crypto. First step, announced after Brent left Korea, is to require Korean exchanges to use real name registrations for their customers. There is also a great deal of discussion from the crypto industry about their need to sit down regularly with lawmakers and regulators to discuss shared concerns. Industry leaders are now openly calling for “some” regulation to weed out bad actors and to help the crypto sector grow in Korea.

The WAX team left Seoul with a better understanding of the blockchain ecosystem in Korea. We will be back soon!

Brent Cohen, Head of Product for WAX, at the Kyber Network Developers Conference in Seoul

WAX Partners with Cointopia

WAX has partnered with Cointopia, a community-driven token sale marketplace that facilitates secure and successful token sales by connecting ICO companies with the right investors and service providers, to leverage products and services on the WAX platform. Read the press release here.

WAX Partners with GIFTO

WAX announced a partnership with GIFTO to allow virtual gifts to be tradable on the WAX platform. Read the press release here.

WAXing Lyrical

CryptoCoin.News interviews WAX President Malcolm CasSelle about WAX and its expected impact on the gaming industry. Read the full interview here.

WAX Partners with SALT Lending

WAX announced a partnership with SALT Lending, where users will soon be able to use WAX Tokens as collateral for cash loans. WAX holders will be able to keep their cryptocurrency assets, such as gaming skins and crypto collectibles, while accessing cash loans on the SALT platform. Read the press release here.

OPSkins in the News

A marketplace record was set this week on OPSkins, where a digital gun sold for a whopping $61,052.63 — the highest officially-recorded skin sale ever. Polygon covers the sale, including what made this item nearly as valuable as a 2018 BMW M3, here.

An item sold on OPSkins this week for more than $60,000 USD

As you know, OPSkins is a sister company to WAX and is the world’s largest marketplace for trading in-game items such as that one. WAX is specifically designed to make it faster, cheaper, and easier to trade these items for all parties involved — including buyers, sellers, marketplaces, affiliates, appraisers, listing sites, etc. By decentralizing this market and lifting the existing barriers to entry off this $50 billion industry, we anticipate WAX will help the in-game virtual trading market reach it’s full potential and grow to nearly double it’s current size.



WAX io

WAX is the safest and most convenient way to create, buy, sell and trade virtual items.