WAX x Terra Virtua: A New Partnership

WAX io
Published in
2 min readAug 8, 2018

The Worldwide Asset eXchange™ is pleased to announce an exciting new partnership with Terra Virtua, the world’s first ever fully-immersive augmented reality/virtual reality blockchain entertainment platform. Owners of digital items that are traded on the WAX Blockchain will be able to interact with them in virtual reality through Terra Virtua’s platform.

Watch a demo of VGO items, which currently trade on the alpha WAX Blockchain, in Terra Virtua here:

Demo of VGO items, which trade on the alpha WAX Blockchain, appearing in Terra Virtua

Terra Virtua was founded by previous executives from: Electronic Arts, Warner Bros, The Bitcoin Foundation, Microsoft and PlayStation VR. With the launch of the platform, the 400 million PC gamers worldwide who buy, sell and trade virtual items — a $50 billion industry — will have a new, unique 3D portal to do so.

This partnership combines the strength of the WAX marketplace with Terra Virtua’s immersive AR/VR platform to create a secure, streamlined and interactive social environment to view, buy, sell and trade virtual collectibles (axes, capes, skins etc). Any 2D or 3D digital item that can be transferred, stored, or traded digitally can be exchanged on the WAX Blockchain and viewed with Terra Virtua’s fully immersive AR/VR blockchain platform.

William Quigley, CEO of WAX says of the partnership: “As a gaming and entertainment platform, and even as a social network, Terra Virtua has great potential to shape the future of the virtual reality landscape. WAX’s experience lies in virtual item trading and marketplaces, and we’re proud to lend that expertise towards creating the blockchain economy Terra Virtua envisions.”

What do you think of this new partnership? Let the community know!







WAX io

WAX is the safest and most convenient way to create, buy, sell and trade virtual items.