Internal Business Memo

Dear Waxing Lyrical

A business letter to writers and supporters.

Francis B.
Waxing Lyrical


© Canva Pro

This is not a paid story, but a group communication, so please forgive the bulk name tagging. When all the writers/supporters are subscribers I’ll do this by email, thanks.

The Short History of Waxing Lyrical

This coming Sunday, October 1st will mark the 4-month mark for this new music publication Waxing Lyrical, so here’s to a little business.

Firstly a message of thanks to all who encouraged me to start another music publication, when friend and colleague Buddy Gott and his awesome Plethora of Pop changed gears in the early summer. (They are now back in full swing).

On May 31st I published a piece to see if there was interest in a new pub, and it seemed there was, the article received 34 comments. The early supporters were; Rebecca Morton, Randy Runtsch, Miriam Toyama, Sterling Page, Steffany Ritchie, Simon Dillon, Paul Combs, Susie Kearley, Sarah Paris, Alexander Razin, Scott-Ryan Abt, PJ Jackelman,
Gentry Bronson, Emile R., Christine Schoenwald, Teresa Young,
Kerry Purvis, Will Hull, Anthony Overs, Ravyne Hawke, Paul Walker,
Ivy the Ginger Ninja, Ginger Cook, C L Smith, Zain Jaffer, B. C. Heneghan, Sam Domingo, P. L. Goaway, Paul Smales, David Acaster, Tony Stubblebine (Yup that awesome Tony), and last but not least Heather Paz.

So Waxing Lyrical was born. Thanks to all of you above.

In response to my enquiries and previous apology for bulk name-tagging, the erudite Sarah Paris had this to say…

Unless you’re referring to a piece someone wrote, or to them directly, the “tag bomb” is “kinda ick”.

She’s right so in a desire not to be “ick”, these writers and the others below will have one of their recent articles linked at the bottom. Even a business letter like this will be a pay-it-forward opportunity. Waxing Lyrical is all about positivity after all.

As of today, Waxing Lyrical will have 29 articles published (including this one) for your perusal; 2 are related to the publication business and 8 by the first wave of writers are brilliant and worth a read if you haven’t already done so.

Promoting community here at the pub would be brilliant if we could support each other’s pieces.

Our most recent story is by Miriam Toyama an introduction to an artist’s new music. If you want to show her some love.

The other gems from the Waxing Lyrical team, in reverse order of their publication dates.

Kerry Purvis

Sterling Page’s

Sam Domingo’s

Paul Walker’s

Another by Sterling Page

Alexander Razin’s

Another by Sam Domingo, and the first person to submit an article. Thanks, Sam for getting the ball rolling.

In an ideal world, each of these would have a minimum of 400 claps (since we rightly can’t clap for our pieces) and 8 comments. Can this be our goal?

After the initial feeler article, we published this piece, on June 7th.

Of the seven responses, a new writer joined our fold, Manali Mitra, which was awesome.

While growth has been slow it has also been steady, so at the moment there is no need for further writer/editors but we’re always open to anyone interested. A conversation was started with Musette on possibly handling Bluegrass responsibilities, which would be great if we were big enough for her to take on this. This conversation grew out of this great off-pub article she wrote.

In regards to this (her article focusing on Folk/Bluegrass) and the recent article by Miriam Toyama published above, which was a story about Folk music, but is currently filed under the country music tab because I don’t have a “folk” tab, I will make a change to the publication’s navigation tabs today.

The new tab designations will be the same as before but what is currently labelled “Gospel” will change to “Folk”, and what was “Worship” is now “Worship/Gospel”. When submitting a story that is in the worship/gospel genre please use the “topic” *Worship so the article will drop into the correct tab, but if you are writing about “Gospel” music feel free to add that as well.

*Medium’s current formatting only seems to allow one topic per tab ;
(Tony Stubblebine, has there been any desire from other writers for this to change?)

As always there is no obligation to add a topic of “Waxing Lyrical”, but if you want to that’s great.

Things have changed since June 1st, and as mentioned above Plethora of Pop is now again receiving submissions, so they are a wonderful source for your articles since they already have a built-in readership. One reason for starting Waxing Lyrical was for it to be a new home for music writers to promote their pieces. Since P.O.P. also covers other areas of Pop Culture, TV and film if you wanted to drop the occasional music story here that would be great.

What separates us from the other great music pubs on Medium…

A focus on positive articles; It’s fun to read listicles about the worst 80’s hair bands for example, or their worst album covers, which the amusing and erudite Paul Walker excels in, but we are not the source for that.

Also with Waxing Lyrical, we hope to be a platform for genres, Bluegrass, Reggae, Worship, Folk etc., not covered in great detail by the other excellent pubs.

While this may be self-defeating in terms of encouraging others to write here for Waxing Lyrical, a new publication, these other pubs include;

The Riff

Medium’s premier music publication with 2.6K followers.
Published and edited by the awesome trio of Noah Levy, Rob Janicke and Kevin Alexander


Rock n’ Heavy

Which I believe (though this is not clear from their publication page) is published and edited by the prolific Rui Alves.

Note: Rock n’ Heavy extends beyond Medium to other Social media options so has gained a considerable cumulative following of 30K.

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • YouTube
  • Quora
  • Pinterest

But you know what they say, “Sometimes good things come in small packages” (at least that’s what the jewellery company Tiffany would have you believe). So perhaps a new start-up can offer a sense of community, which might be harder to achieve with the big boys above.

Final Words Before The Promised Links

It would be awesome if any of the original support team wanted to drop an article here, to help this new pub be a contender in the Medium universe and I wouldn’t have to feel like this fellow.

Does any current writer from “The Awesome 8” or anyone new, want to drop one more before Sunday so we can hit 30 articles for 4 months?

The Not Wanting To Be “Icky” Story Links

To those not promoted above.

Rebecca Morton,

Randy Runtsch,

Steffany Ritchie,

Simon Dillon,

Paul Combs,

Susie Kearley,

Sarah Paris,

Scott-Ryan Abt,

PJ Jackelman,

Gentry Bronson,

Emile R.,

Christine Schoenwald,

Teresa Young,

Will Hull,

Anthony Overs,

Ravyne Hawke,

If you believe in the power of prayer, perhaps you can join me in praying for Ravyne and Christine (above) in light of her article.

Ivy the Ginger Ninja,

Ginger Cook,

C L Smith,

Zain Jaffer,

In answer to his title, and celebrating another B’Day on October 28th, No.

B. C. Heneghan,

P. L. Goaway,

Paul Smales,

David Acaster,

Tony Stubblebine,

and Heather Paz

As stated at the top this isn’t a paid article so if anyone wanted to toss a coffee this way, (not literally lol) for the promotion effort that would be lovely though not expected.

Calculated in Euros; If you are overseas and want to support me, can you let me know if this works? Thanks.

Just in case you found this article and weren’t aware of “Waxing Lyrical”…

All the above banners were created by the author on Canva Pro except Medium Links.

So if you’d like to share…

What’s Your Story?



Francis B.
Waxing Lyrical

32K Views - Top Writer in Music. I write about Travel, Food, Inspiration, Music, & Film. I Publish/Edit 7 Publications. See my "About Me" article.