Rate-A-Record: Black Magic Woman

Did Carlos’ hands make the magic on this song? Did you know there was another version?

Sterling Page
Waxing Lyrical


Image from Wikimedia Commons

Francis B. recently threw out a challenge asking if a good song can stand the test of time on its own, or do some songs need an outstanding cover to shine.

This is a great challenge!

How many hits have we all loved but never knew the hit version was a cover? I surprised myself when I did a simple search and found there were a lot of hit covers!

Francis’ story compared multiple versions of “Forever Young,” a song released by German synth band Alphaville in 1984. Read his story, it’s chock-full of interesting information.

I like the original release by Alphaville the best. But then, I’m a big Napoleon Dynomite fan, so what am I going to do?

Are you gonna drop the bomb or not? — Marian Gold

