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Humble Beginnings

Parin Vachhani
Way To Do
Published in
2 min readJan 31, 2016


“In the end we only regret the chances we didn't take, the relationships we were afraid to have,and the decisions we waited too long to make.”

So, here it is! My first post finally on Medium after already being here for months now.

I am a big fan of quotes such as the one above. Quotes carry a vast amount of knowledge and experience in a packet of few simple words. And sometimes these few words are enough to describe entire epics.

To introduce myself to someone who does not know me personally and is reading this for the first time, I like to call myself an Explorer (self-proclaimed!). I am technically a student (computer science sophomore at IIIT), a lifelong learner (I keep improving), a budding entrepreneur (Way2Do, Bucker and more), ethnically an Indian, religiously a Hindu by birth (though I don’t believe in God so much and practically am an atheist), late teenager by age (19 currently), etc and what not but well majority of those things hardly had a role for me to play in except my education and my attitude. And frankly I find it difficult if someone asks me to introduce myself.

Medium with all it’s great articles has been inspiring me since some time now in various ways like turning my entrepreneurial dreams into reality, hacking my time for maximum productivity, improving my soft skills that help me in dealing with people, etc. I have been eager to contribute to this pool of ideas since long but it seems I was too afraid to start.

“If we wait until we are ready, we will be waiting for the rest of our lives.”

Though this article might be like a whisper in the middle of a thunderstorm, it marks my entry into the world of writing and expressing my views and it surely means more to me than a whisper. I never found anything great enough to write about in my first post and so here I am just writing at the crack of dawn about my struggle to come up with the first post.

I like to listen but I also believe in speaking up when the time calls for it and I believe this is a going to be a good platform to express my views about every imaginable thing under the sun.

Can’t think of a nice ending and so here is one more quote :)

“I think, therefore I am.”



Parin Vachhani
Way To Do

Covering the cybersecurity landscape at Cyware Labs. @cywareco