Green logistics: how to make your supply chain more sustainable with e-waybills

Anna Shved
Waybiller (international)
3 min readFeb 16, 2021

Logistics is often the invisible backbone of our increasingly globalized economy. Most of the food, clothes and other products surrounding us daily have traveled a long way across the world. This seemingly effortless, yet complicated travel of goods and products has a significant environmental impact that we often don’t realize.

This impact includes the more obvious, such as greenhouse gas emissions and noise pollution. Today, the transportation sector is the main source of environmental pollution. So much so, that nearly 30 percent of the greenhouse gas emissions in the United States come from transportation. But some impact is less obvious, such as the mere space taken up by transportation infrastructure or the use of paper for travel documentation.

Travel of goods and products has a significant environmental impact that we often don’t realize.

That’s why it’s important for logistics companies to choose green solutions. Choosing an eco-friendly supply chain strategy can go a long way for both the good of the planet and your company.

Going green benefits the environment and your business

On the one hand, going green is important in the larger scheme of things. With the impact the logistics sector has on the environment, every little change counts. On the other hand, more efficient and eco-friendly solutions help both cut costs and build a sustainable brand in the eyes of the business partners and customers.

Research shows that people are increasingly willing to pay higher prices for goods from environmentally conscious companies. And even simple adjustments can result in real impact on both your ecological footprint and overall work efficiency.

For logistics companies, the options are endless. From innovative energy sources, intelligent route-management, and keeping the fleet up to date with newest technology, to something as simple as pallet exchange or going paperless on waybills.

E-waybill helps you make freight truly paperless

Using paper-waybills is a massive waste of paper and time. Each shipment requires several copies of waybills, which have to be filled out manually and later entered to a spreadsheet or accounting software. E-waybills make this process faster, safer and greener.

The logistics company Taital Trans started using Waybiller in the beginning of 2020. Even though they were just taking their first steps toward becoming paperless, they saved around 30 000 sheets of paper that year alone. At the same time they cut their waybills review time from 2–3 days to a few hours per month and reduced the number of errors to almost negligible.

Often, such small steps are just the encouragement needed to get on the green track and keep going. Taital Trans representative admits that they’ve become generally more environmentally friendly after they started using Waybiller.

If you too want to stay ahead of the digital and ecological innovation in logistics, write to us at or just call our representative at +372 5397 0000.

