The best time to switch to e-waybills is now

Anna Shved
Waybiller (international)
4 min readFeb 9, 2021

(Eesti keeles lugemiseks vajuta siia)

It seems like just yesterday when trucks formed a nearly 60-kilometer-long line after Poland closed its border with Germany in March 2020. By now it’s clear that there’s nothing temporary about the way this pandemic has shaped the world and the logistics sector specifically.

Logistics is the lifeline of a globalized economy. Having tens if not hundreds of suppliers all over the world used to seem as natural as trees growing.
The key question though is that who made suppliers accessible globally? The logistics companies!
Yet now they face operational constraints that can cause delivery delays, congestion, and higher freight rates.

Covid-19 put logistics tech revolution on fast forward

The ICF (International Finance Corporation) report “The Impact of COVID-19 on Logistics’’ found that unlike ocean and air transport, land transport has generally remained available globally. This demand puts additional strain on trucking capacity.

Logistics was in the midst of a tech-driven revolution even before Covid-19 hit. Companies that could provide cargo traceability and do business online were at an advantage.

Even more so, with the new restrictions and demands. Also, it’s not only a matter of efficiency. Transport companies and truck drivers have to follow Covid-19 restrictions to keep themselves and others safe.

Delivering a shipment can entail a lot of face-to-face paperwork: crossing borders, passing and signing transportation documents, i.e. waybills, etc. Even though people should follow the safety precautions (e.g. social distancing and wearing a mask), not everyone does. And even so, there’s still a risk with every contact.

E-waybill is the safer and more efficient alternative

Even without a deadly virus, filling out paper waybills is a nuisance. It takes time, they tend to pile up on desks, get lost and are an overall source of endless headache. Waybiller offers a safer and more efficient alternative to paper waybills.

Waybill handling costs are reduced up to 3–4 times, the administration is much faster and there is less human error.

E-waybill is a contactless solution that makes freight truly paperless. All information input and processing is done online, which means the drivers don’t even need to leave their trucks in any stage of the delivery. All they need is a mobile device with an internet connection. There’s no need for face-to-face contact whatsoever — even the receivers can confirm delivery online.

Digital waybills also mean lower costs, significant time savings and transparency for all parties involved. Waybill handling costs are reduced up to 3–4 times, the administration is much faster and there is less human error.

Taital Trans, who adopted Waybiller in the beginning of 2020 says that reviewing and forwarding waybills used to take their team 2–3 days a month. Now they only spend a few hours per month and can spend the rest of the time on their real objectives — developing their business in the right direction.

How does an e-waybill work?

E-waybill lets you input, process and analyze data with just a few clicks and in real time.

  • Create waybills on the go — the drivers can create e-waybills with a couple of clicks. They only need a smart device with the Internet access for that. Waybiller works with any smart device and can be used via browser or an Android app.
  • Real-time overview of shipments — the shipment information is accessible to all parties in real time. This makes administration much faster and there’s no manual paperwork or entering data to spreadsheet or accounting software.
  • Comprehensive shipment reports — with advanced filters you can filter out the waybills you need and save the result to an Excel file. Excel reports contain full data about every e-waybill and you can analyze this data exactly as you need.
  • Real-time location monitoring — with Waybiller Android app you can monitor your shipment location at any time. It also saves the route and attaches it to the waybill. This way you can discover quickly if the shipment has gotten off track.

Know a company that should go paperless? Don’t hesitate to send them this article!

Want to find out how you could start using e-waybills in your company? Write to us at or just call our representative at +372 5397 0000.

