The Way • April 2020

Paul Utr
5 min readApr 30, 2020


This month’s selection of findings we believe you may find interesting or useful. Some lighter, others heavier, we hope they give you insight, bring you joy, and inspire reflection.

The ultimate quarantine / work from home mood • Caroline Polachek in “Door”

This first edition of our new newsletter is, in a way, an opening number. It’s only fitting we start with a song then and, if we want to keep you from sneaking out to the restroom before we’re even in full swing, the song better be a good one.

Caroline Polachek • Door • off of Pang (2020)

Now that you’re in the mood for hugging a mirror or climbing onto a rooftop to scroll your phone, let’s make sure it’s not the oh so common mindless scrolling, but an enlightening experience instead. Happy reading, listening, and watching!



Be careful with the last one though :)




Waypril on Spotify

The Way will come out every month, serving as an outlet to share with you what we’ve been up to, what made us go aha, aww, or oh. You can expect short personal updates, Q&As with people we admire, some commentary on current issues, advice, as well as lists, lists, and more lists of our favourite things.

Thanks for (hopefully) subscribing!

We’re available for new projects, say

Stay connected:


Co-curated by Paul Utr and Chris Kraszewski

