3 warnings about the January issue of Chatter

Waying In
Published in
2 min readJul 24, 2015

Jan 09 2013

we here at causeway couldn’t be happier. the fine folks at chatter chose to spotlight us in their january issue! how cool is that?! but before you go scoping it out, i must warn you. this article has strings attached.

here are 3 warnings about our article in chatter, that you need to know:

1. this ain’t your typical nonprofit — make no bones about it — causeway is different.

â —  from top-to-bottom, it is operated 100% by volunteers.

â —  this non-profit is run like a ‘startup’ for-profit business. i’m talking about bootstraps people!

â —  it’s hyper local. causeway is ‘by chattanoogans’ and ‘for chattanoogans’. to put it another way, causeway is in the business of connecting & empowering our fellow citizens to make chattanooga a better place.

2. our math doesn’t always add up…in a good way — not only does causeway pass along 100% of your donations, if you do a good job rallying support for your cause, 110% will be passed along. how can you beat that?!

3. causeway isn’t for the apathetic. causeway, at its very core, is about action. nothing gets done without you and your friends and your neighbors. it’s that simple. so if you read the article and it clicks, the ball is in your court. take action! you can start a new cause, contribute to existing causes, or help other causes rally support.

we’re really excited about causeway, and we hope you are too. chattanooga needs lots of civic-minded citizens, just like you. folks who are willing to leverage their skills, time, brain power, and resources for the good of our community.

there. consider yourself warned.

Originally published at www.causeway.org on January 9, 2013.



Waying In

Causeway inspires and equips Chattanoogans to develop smarter solutions to our city's toughest challenges.