5 Ways to Build the City You Want to Live In

Waying In
Published in
2 min readFeb 23, 2017
Photo by Christina Marie Photography

Causeway was founded on the belief that no matter what is happening from a top-down political level, individual community members can (and should) make real change from the bottom-up, grassroots level. Whether you are a Republican, a Democrat, or something in-between, there is no denying that there is some uncertainty in our future. Now is a crucial time to roll up your sleeves and start building the kind of city that you want to live in.

Here are five practical things you can do right now:

  1. Get involved in your neighborhood.
    Join your Neighborhood Association, get to know your City Council Representative, and find ways to work together to create the changes you want to see. Not sure where to go? Look up your Neighborhood Association here. Not sure who your City Council representative is? Here’s a list.
  2. Talk to someone who voted differently than you.
    Oof. We know…these are the conversations you have been trying to avoid. But we are stronger when we are united. More often than not, you can find some common ground, or at least build some understanding, when you listen to someone who holds an entirely different worldview than you. Psychology Today has a few tips to make the conversation more productive.
  3. Vote in the upcoming local elections.
    In just a few weeks we will be voting for Chattanooga’s Mayor and City Council members. These people make decisions every day that affect you and your community. So, do some research and go vote! Not registered? No problem, it only takes two minutes. Not sure which district you live in? Search for your address on this map. Need to know who’s running? Check out this sample ballot.
  4. Get involved with a cause you care about.
    Chattanooga is full of organizations who are working every day to make a difference. Find one that addresses an issue that you care about, and support them with your time or your money. As a starting point, you can browse through the CHA Gives categories to see a list of local organizations addressing different issues.
  5. Turn your idea into action.
    See a need in our community that is not being met? Have an idea? Causeway is here to help you figure out how to put that idea to work. Set up an intro meeting to get started.



Waying In

Causeway inspires and equips Chattanoogans to develop smarter solutions to our city's toughest challenges.