Causeway Challenge III: The Power of Play

Abby Studer Garrison
Waying In


From group dance classes to the rise of summer camp for adults, it’s pretty clear that people are looking to reconnect with one another and themselves through fun experiences. Municipalities are getting in on the trend by reimagining public space in playful and creative ways. As employee demands shift and cultural norms change, many companies are re-envisioning work place culture to be more enjoyable, and it turns out, more productive.

With the growing body of knowledge that play and fun can be a powerful tool for change, we decided to focus our next Causeway Challenge on play. Through the Challenge we look to the wisdom of the crowd (that’s you!) to help us solve some of our city’s toughest problems. We frame the problem. You propose a solution. For our third Causeway Challenge we are asking: How can more opportunities to play make Chattanooga a stronger city?

Applications will be open until midnight on November 14th. A group of community judges will select ten projects to receive grassroots funding up to $3000 to implement their projects.

There are lots of ways to play. We challenge you to consider how play could encourage positive change of all kinds. Are there playful ways to encourage people to recycle? To interact with their neighborhood in new ways? To better connect with their coworkers? We’ve found a few projects–both local and global–to get your wheels turning. For more inspiration you can read about the past challenge winners or check out the projects focused on play we’ve highlighted on Pinterest.

Dates to Remember:

Applications Open: Now. Click here to apply.
Office Hours: Every Tuesday from October 20th — November 10th from 12:00–1:00pm, or by appointment by emailing
Applications Close: November 14 at midnight
Winners Announced: December 10
Projects Implemented: January — April 2016



Abby Studer Garrison
Waying In

executive director of Causeway, inspring and equipping social entrepreneurs