Design to Get Answers

Waying In
Published in
3 min readFeb 10, 2017

Youth Challenge Incubation Phase 1, Week 4: Prototyping

This week was all about show and tell, so we’re going to do a little bit of telling and a lot more showing. Our Challenge Winners honed in on one aspect of their solution that they have questions about. To get answers, they designed objects and storyboards — what we call prototyping.

The project members took turns presenting their prototypes to the rest of the cohort, who gave feedback. But, there’s a catch. They could only give feedback using “I like…”/ “I wish...”/ “What if...” sentences. Starting sentences with these phrases encourages comments that will communicate a solution’s strengths and areas for growth in a productive and positive way.

Scroll down for shots of the cohort giving their presentations and some close-ups of their prototypes.

Jon and Antonio (Multicultural Tigers United) and Garrell (Young, Gifted, & Black)
Howard High Students (What If) and Paula (Today’s Teens Teaching Tomorrow’s Teens)
Jasmine (You Matter) and a close-up of Jon’s prototype (Multicultural Tigers United)

Here’s the rest of Jon’s fantastic presentation. Using his prototype, he breaks down Multicultural Tigers United’s definition of diversity:

1. We are ALL alike

2. We are SOME alike

3. We are NONE alike

What If’s prototypes
Carol (N.E.E.D) and Laura (Making the Write Choices)

P.S. The Causeway team realized that “I like…”/ “I wish…”/ “What if…” statements have magical powers when it comes to transforming difficult conversations into easier ones.

For that reason, we suggest that you try using these prompts this week when interacting with your mom, your partner, your noisy upstairs neighbor, or that one Facebook friend whose comments drive you crazy.



Waying In

Causeway inspires and equips Chattanoogans to develop smarter solutions to our city's toughest challenges.