Featured Cause: Block Leaders in Avondale

Waying In
Published in
2 min readNov 4, 2015

For our first Causeway Challenge in 2014, we asked, “How can we make Chattanooga a more connected city?”

For Dr. Everlena Holmes, creating a more connected city started with sending volunteers to knock on doors in the Avondale neighborhood with two requests; share your contact information for a neighborhood directory, and consider becoming a block leader.

The work was challenging from the start. As a result of several shootings in the area, residents were reluctant to come to the door. Some told the volunteers to leave because the neighborhood was unsafe. The volunteers of Block Leaders Connect were not deterred, though. Avondale now has a neighborhood directory and thirteen new block leaders, who help keep their neighbors connected and informed.

This project reminds us that leadership isn’t always determined by social status, education, or work experience. For some, leadership is about knocking on doors. For residents of Avondale, leadership begins with answering that knock. Each of the new block leaders has their own concept of what it means to lead.

Sara Anderson’s parents purchased her Avondale home in l975. She wanted to become a Block Leader because she was concerned about the crime in her community. She believes she can help the young people who grew up around her. They have a great deal of respect for her; all she has to do is speak to them and they will listen.

Priscilla Ford has lived in five different Avondale homes since 1962. Many of her neighbors are elderly and unable to leave the area. Ms. Ford felt she could get residents involved and together they could work with the City to improve their community. As a block leader, she will look after the elderly residents.

Mary Hill has lived in Avondale for thirteen years. She is concerned about the increasing number of vacant homes in the area. Mary was inspired to become a block leader by her nephew, who has been actively involved in the Neighborhood Roundtable and on television encouraging residents to take back their neighborhood.

Inspired by Avondale’s new leaders, neighboring communities have asked for help expanding Block Leaders Connect to their area. Meanwhile, the next time there is news to share with Avondale neighbors, Sara, Priscilla, Mary, and the other new block leaders will be the ones knocking on doors.



Waying In

Causeway inspires and equips Chattanoogans to develop smarter solutions to our city's toughest challenges.