how to rally support for your cause

Waying In
Published in
3 min readJul 24, 2015

Mar 01 2013

many of those who have posted causes to causeway (or groups who are thinking about posting their cause) have asked us over and over again — how do we be successful? how do we rally support to our cause?

now that we’re in our second full year here at causeway, we thought we’d share a few of the great tips we’ve seen other successful causes implement. hopefully these will spark your imagination, and we’d love to hear your ideas about how causes can be successful! let us know in the comments, and we’ll update our list of tips.

#1 — be creative

one of our current causes (end cystic fibrosis this decade: a cf smackdown) has been doing a great job of coming up with unique ways to get the word out any way they can. for their family holiday card, they sent a note on the back to show their friends and loved ones how they could support cystic fibrosis research on causeway. similarly, the family sent out lily’s first birthday cards and asked that in lieu of gifts, a donation be made to the cf smackdown cause.

#2 — maximize your networks

whether it’s through social media, email blasts, printed cards or word of mouth, use your current base of contacts and supporters to spread the word that your cause is on causeway. great selling points include that 100% of the funds raised will be passed back to you (meaning you won’t have to pay those pesky credit card fees)! that’s right. in case you haven’t heard, we cover all the credit card transaction fees, and you get every penny that donors intended to send your way! there’s also matching funds on the table, so start spreading the word!

#3 — market your cause

include your cause in your typical marketing strategies. we noticed one of our earliest causes, OPEN in East Lake, created their very own causeway widget which linked to their specific cause page. would you like something similar for your site? just ask! we’ve created custom widgets for websites and can provide you and your development team with everything they need!

have a great idea you think other causes could benefit from? share it in the comments, so we can keep updating this list over time!

Originally published at on February 28, 2013.



Waying In

Causeway inspires and equips Chattanoogans to develop smarter solutions to our city's toughest challenges.