How to Write an Article to be the WaykiChain Champion

Vincent J. Lionheart
Published in
3 min readApr 8, 2020

Welcome to the Wayki Super Champion Contest. This contest is divided into 2 Rounds and in this article, you will read about the 2nd round, specifically the article competition.

WaykiChain article contest

💥TOP 100 with the high scores can successfully enter into Round 2 💥

🌈If you have passed the first round, congratulations. Now onto the article writing or the video phase. If you think it is hard to do all the activities in the competition, you can go ahead and form a team with your friends, and one of you can write an article, the other can do the video, and the other person or people can be responsible with the online exposure such as twitter.

Any article you write should be easy to understand, simple, yet accurate. The public is made up of all kinds of people, and easy to understand articles tend to be more popular. You should also watch out for simple rules of writing, such as keeping your article positive.

We would like to have a minimum of 600–1000 word article, but you can write longer if you want. At least three links must be provided/buried in the article to waykichain website the CDP system, WaykiTimes App download, etc. We will be checking for plagiarism, so copy-paste articles will not be accepted. Any translation submitted as an original article will be discarded as well, and any person attempting to cheat will be excluded from all future waykichain activities and rewards.

We have decided to focus on four subjects for the articles and videos in this competition:

  1. DeFi
  2. WUSD
  3. Trading and WICC price
  4. Technical analysis

The first and the foremost is DeFi, and it is what waykichain has been focusing these days. Decentralized Finance is all the rage in the crypto industry, especially related to MakerDAO project and the ETH chain. However, due to recent hacks to this system, many people withdrew their funds and the market is ripe for a public chain such as waykichain to get into. Check out some examples for DeFi articles, such as the hackernoon article, or this Medium article.

The second subject is WUSD, and it is a part of the DeFi ecosystem in waykichain. WUSD is the stable coin in this system generated using CDP. WUSD is mainly used for payment and its value is always 1 USD, backed by the crypto asset WICC. You can write the usage of WUSD, where it can be used, suggest new uses, or provide contacts for people to use WUSD. The sky is the limit for a stable coin and it is also used to pay stable fees in the ecosystem.

Trading and the WICC price is the third subject, and if you choose this one, you can talk about trading in different exchanges. WICC has been going strong and the trading creates a very high volume. If you are a trader, you can talk about the intricacies of trading WICC.

Technical analyses are usually carried out by developers, economists, and statisticians alike, and you can do it too. If you are a technical person, you will find it easy to write about the consensus mechanism, debt ceiling, voting, block height, transaction speed, etc.

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