WayMaker Digital
WayMaker Digital
Published in
2 min readMay 28, 2020

Why should anyone who has a job be looking for a new job? Why would I want to leave my tastefully furnished office, supportive colleagues and even my good pay?

Being in a job can provide some form of security and a false feeling of freedom that the next paycheck will soon be received but the question is: when should I start looking for new job opportunities?

First off, in my view this is nothing to do with being a Business Analyst, it can apply to any job or professional / career relationship.

Here’s a quick snag list that you should be on the lookout for your next role:

  • You’re not happy where you are
  • Your sleep patterns are disrupted with worries about your job
  • You are consuming alcohol, sugar or drugs to escape your problems
  • You dread Mondays or have trouble waking up for work each morning
  • You’re less productive at work or just don’t have passion or interest
  • You’re always arguing with your colleagues or manager
  • The company is bleeding talent
  • The company is a toxic workplace
  • You suspect something unethical going on … e.g. Wonga
  • You’re not treated like an individual
  • Plenty layoffs
  • People stop talking to you
  • You need a new challenge
  • Your take home no longer takes you home
  • Your boss undermines your work
  • They pass you for a promotion
  • There are limited opportunities to learn new skills
  • Lack of mentoring
  • Your friends and family are begging to quit
  • You know you will be fired

In summary, seek career from an experienced person in a similar career or ask a mentor.

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WayMaker Digital
WayMaker Digital

About us: we provide agile solutions, cloud technology consulting and training, that enable our clients to consistently innovate and deliver customer needs.