Ways of Thinking for Beginners in Coding

For people that is still an infant growing to be a coder. Trying to be the best as soon as possible.

Madiwa Simon
Ways of Thinking for Coding for Beginners
4 min readJan 28, 2021


  1. Efficiency: Least amount of inputs result to the highest amount of output.

I put this first because learning this particular skill will most likely to be applied to the rest of your life. Everyone wants to be efficient at everything they do on a daily basis either for coding or hobby or even just regular chores. Having the abilities to do any task faster and better way will give you the satisfaction of living your life better than it was before.

You want to be the best there is or at-least one of the the best and in order to do that you need to know how to be better and to be better you need to practice and learn the best practices and commit your own time doing the same thing over and over again. Every small effort you put towards your goal will eventually come to fruition. Learning how to do a task easier and better every single step of the way will make you better at what you do.

NOW for my own suggestions and tips.

  • Set your goals and never forget about it.
  • Do what you can do that is possible for your present self(know your own limitations and knowledge, being honest with yourself).
  • Improve those limitations by learning more and practicing those new knowledge. (learning short cuts on basic skill like typing is a good way to start)
  • Help from others is not something to be ashamed about. Everyone has their own strengths. Also give and take in this process.
  • Focus on yourself and not on others.
  • Celebrate small improvements or victories at the end of your day.
  • DO NOT FORGET TO TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF!!! (prolly the most important one. remember there is no point of being the best if you are unhappy).

2. Be Comfortable Being Uncomfortable: Putting yourself in this constant state of unease will most likely get yourself moving forward to your dream faster, which will result to your success.

We all have this feeling of being nervous and restless, always having a second thoughts of doing things because we are not used to experience we never tried before. Well if you are reading this particular blog you are definitely not alone. I myself is still the process of overcoming my bravery to try new things and go for a bigger goal than the one i had before.

Here we go again my own suggestions and tips.

  • Set your Dream higher, sky is the limit
  • Don’t be afraid to fail(hint: everyone does).
  • Make sure you love what you do.
  • Never give up. If you didn’t reach your dreams yet it’s not the end.

3. Stop comparing yourself to others: People compare in order to know who is better but what some people don’t understand is everyone is different from one another.

If your parents or teachers back in school compared you to other kids before think about it, doesn’t it pain you knowing that person who is comparing you to other kids is someone you respect. Now why would you do that to yourself knowing that it doesn’t feel nice. Let’s try to change that way of thinking. Will be the original and not a copy of someone else. Best way to not compare is to keep working on yourself. Every time you look at others is a time wasted that you could have been working on yourself. I am not saying never get ideas or inspiration on the work of the people who are great out there. Try to be inspired by their work not envious.

For my own suggestions and tips.

  • Be Original(again doesn’t mean you can’t be inspired by other people)
  • Have a positive attitude all the time it helps along the way.
  • Again I always repeat this. Love or like what you do. No point if you are unhappy.
  • Remember why you are doing this. Keep your head in the goal.

Thank You guys for reading this blog!

