Photo Location: Lisbon, Portugal

#16: To Finally See the Light

Ways to Feel Human is an international poetic movement in which humans share the greatest feelings their hearts know, and I write them as haikus to be discovered in random locations around the world. Learn more here!

Renée Kay
Ways to Feel Human
Published in
1 min readNov 17, 2015


The match that catches
a fire that lights up the maze
- escape from the dark

What do you think is the greatest feeling we can experience as humans, and why?
Knowing what you want (in a macro/life sense).

Damn it must be amazing to truly know what you want in life. What motivates and moves you. I’ve definitely had false alarms, but I think once it happens it’s one of those things you will notice. I see it as a cure for being lost, literally and figuratively.

Submit your own answer here!

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