1000+ followers,75000+ reach, My experience about how to write good medium blogs

Discussion about reach, followers, blogs, content, and many more

Chinmay Bhalerao
How To Increase Your Followers Number
6 min readMay 31, 2023


AI art created by the author


I recently completed 1000 followers and that was a great milestone for me in my writing quest. I’ve written over 60 blogs in the past year, and some of them have been very successful. I’ve learned a lot from the process, and I’m always looking for ways to improve my writing. I never write about follower growth, SEO, or anything related to marketing or branding, I write about AI and related topics. I believe that this is what my audience is interested in, and it’s what I’m passionate about. I am writing this to share my wonderful experience. Let’s see how it goes!


[These are my own thoughts, you can tweak them accordingly]

★ Niche or domain

Writing about your interests will make your writing journey more enjoyable. Don’t just follow the crowd. If someone is getting a lot of views and followers writing about finance, don’t start writing about finance too. If another topic becomes popular, don’t switch to that either. This will confuse your audience about what you’re about. Instead, pick a niche and stick with it. Once you’ve found your niche, you can start to blow up!

You can choose anything of your interest and expertise like Finance, AI, Computer vision, health, motivation, storytelling, mathematics, laws, current affairs, or any other than this...

★ Selection of topic

I remember Matt Giaro’s line,

Every piece of content you produce has two essential components: a topic and an angle.-Matt Giaro

A great example will be the topic “AI” for this. There are many writers on the topic “AI” but still approach and angle of thinking, the thought process can be multi-dimensional. Select a topic and write what you think about it. just be you. you don’t need to get influenced by top writers or any other people. Just be you.

Before I start writing an article, I answer these questions:

What is the article about?

Who is the target audience?

How will the article benefit the audience?

What are my credentials to write about this topic?

By answering these questions, I narrow my focus and ensure that my article is relevant and helpful to my target audience.

Avoid writing about basic topics that can be easily found on the internet. People are more likely to read about complex topics that are not easily understood. Our focus should be on making complex topics easy to understand.

★ Frequency of articles

Social media platforms like YouTube, Instagram, Medium, and others will promote your content if you are consistent. If you choose a specific day of the week to publish your blogs and stick to it, Medium will help you reach a wider audience. It is best to start by writing two blogs per week. While some people write daily, if you work a 9-hour day and then write on Medium, it will be difficult to produce quality content on a daily basis.

People like quality not quantity so decide 2 days in the week and post consistently on those 2 days.

★ Use all tools

While writing a blog on medium, use all available tools like links, videos, and formatting tools to make your blog more expressive. See how other good writers format their blogs.

Add an informative header, kicker, and subheader that will force people to open and read your blog. You can use BARD or ChatGPT to generate SEO-inspired headers. that will help you to increase your reach.

★ Use of AI text generators

Here are some specific tips for using AI text generators effectively:

Use them for basic definitions or other tasks that are repetitive and time-consuming. AI text generators can be a great way to save time on tasks like writing definitions or summarizing articles. However, it is important to remember that these tools are not perfect, and they should not be used for tasks that require creativity or original thought.

Use them sparingly. If you use too much AI-generated content, your work will likely be rejected by publishers or will not reach a wide audience. It is recommended to use AI text generators for no more than 10% of your content.

Give credit to the AI text generator. If you do use AI text generators, it is important to give credit to the tool. This can be done by including a citation in your work or by mentioning the tool in the text itself.

★ Marketing of blog

It is only

50 % is what content you are providing


50% is how you market it

As the saying goes,
"It's not about who's the best, it's about who can prove it."

Promote your blog on social media platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, and others. This will help you reach a wider audience, and if people enjoy your content, they will follow you. As the saying goes, “Marketing is almost as important as writing a good blog.”

★ Social interactions

You require the community to show your talent. Where you will get that?


Each publication has its own criteria for publishing blogs. To be successful, target publications that are a good fit for your work and create content that meets their needs. Once you have been accepted as a writer, you will be able to publish more blogs easily.

Collaborate with different writers. Different people have different thought processes on the same topic so contributing with them will help both to write good content and get more reach.

★ Where the trend is going in your niche?

To attract more readers to your blog, it is important to stay updated with what is going on in your niche. This means reading other blogs, attending industry events, and following industry experts on social media. When you are well-informed about your niche, you can write blog posts that are informative and engaging. This will make your blog more likely to appear in Google search results, and it will also make your blog more likely to be shared on social media.

Other options like if you get 50 claps or you buy a membership then medium push your blog more but this is very very optional and you do not need this at the start. but yes to read more and more content, you can buy a membership.

★ Still not getting reach?

Even though you are working hard, if you are not getting reach, it's OKAY

At the end of the day,

it is not about how much reach you get, or how many followers you have, it's about you improving yourself story by story. things take time to grow, you have to cultivate and nourish them very well at the start. Not immediately but surely you will get results for it.

These all are my thoughts and there might be many other things that will help you to grow but these are my findings. You can comment below to add your own ideas and thoughts for improvement. let's connect and create a great community for readers. Thank you!

Summarizing everything,

Select a niche of your expertise and interest

Select a topic where you can build your thought process on it

Don't write too basic

Set and follow the decided frequency for publishing article

Try to use all tools provided by Medium

Use AI text generators wisely

Market your blog well on social websites

Collaborate with different writers

Be aware of trends in your niche

and the most important thing,


If you have found this article insightful

It is a proven fact that “Generosity makes you a happier person”; therefore, Give claps to the article if you liked it. If you found this article insightful, follow me on Linkedin and Medium. You can also subscribe to get notified when I publish articles. Let’s create a community! Thanks for your support!

Also, medium doesn’t give me anything for writing, if you want to support me then you can click here to buy me coffee.

Signing off,




Chinmay Bhalerao
How To Increase Your Followers Number

AI-ML Researcher & Developer | 3 X Top writer in Artificial intelligence, Computer vision & Object detection | Mathematical Modelling & Simulations