Tips That'll Make You Feel More Confident In Writing

Habiba Lotfy
How To Increase Your Followers Number
5 min readJun 26, 2023
cookie_studio from Freepik

Writing can be a challenging but rewarding process. It’s a journey that requires consistent effort and patience. Writing is never easy that’s why we’re always looking for new tips and tricks to make it easier and enjoyable.
In this article, we’ll discuss 3 important tips that every writer should be aware of. Let’s get started.

1. Write like you talk:

storyset from Freepik

When your write, you need to sound natural and easy to follow. Unless you’re communicating in a more formal context, write as though you’re talking to a friend.

- Imagine that your audience are your friends. Write in an easy way. Don’t complicate your words and avoid jargon and technical terms that your audience might not understand.

- Here are a few reasons why writing like you talk can be an effective writing style:

1. Writing like you talk can help you communicate more clearly with your audience. When you use the same language that you would use in a conversation, you're becoming more familiar and approachable to your audience.

2. Writing like you talk can help break down barriers and establish a great connection with your readers which makes it easier for them to understand your ideas and perspectives.

3. Writing with this style also helps you show your real personality which makes you and your work more authentic, as it creates a more personal and engaging tone that can hold readers' attention.

4. Writing like you talk can help you build trust with your audience and make your message more memorable.

5. Writing like you talk makes your work more engaging and relatable. When your audience and readers can hear your voice in your writing, they'll be able to connect with you and your message easier.

- There are some situations that you need to write in a formal way like sending an email or any formal document.

- When you write like you talk, you’ll be able to communicate your message effectively and connect with your audience in a simple and friendly way.

2. Make a list of your common mistakes: from Freepik

- We all have writing struggles. Identify your most common writing mistakes. You can create a list of mistakes you notice in your writing and point out any errors.

- After identifying your common mistakes, it's time to focus on eliminating them.

- Your mistakes may include things like:

• Writing and editing on the same day.
• Grammar errors.
• Punctuation errors.
• Spelling errors.
• Not using visuals.
• Not proofreading your work.
• Forgetting to read your work out load.
or any other mistake that you make when you write.

- Refer to this checklist when you're writing to make sure you're not making any of these common mistakes.

- Set aside time for proofreading and editing. Don't try to edit your work while you're still writing it.

- It’s better to write then take a break and come back to it with fresh eyes. This will help you catch any errors that you might’ve missed the first time around.

- Reading your work out loud is a great way to catch any errors that you might've not noticed when you were reading your work silently.

- Make a list of your most common writing mistakes and start eliminating them. This will help you enhance your writing abilities and offer accurate information without any errors.

3. Find the reason:

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"Why do you write?"

- This is an important question that you should ask yourself, answering it can help you stay motivated.

• There are many reasons why we write, these reasons include:

- sharing information or knowledge with people.
- writing for fun.
- writing for money.
- to entertain or persuade people
- to express ourselves freely and creatively.

- There’s no right or wrong answer to why you write. It’s fine to write for different reasons. You can write for fun one day and for money the other day.

- Writing for money is not a bad thing. Don't feel guilty if you write for money but remember that money should not be your only motivation for writing.

- Finding your "why" can help you improve your writing. When you know why you write, you can focus on achieving your goals and staying motivated.

- Whatever your reason is, remember to enjoy the process and provide valuable information for your readers and the people who support you.

- Writing should be enjoyable. If you’re not enjoying yourself, it’s going to be difficult to produce high-quality content. So, find ways to make writing fun for you, this will help you be more motivated to write and more likely to create your best work.

Finally, Keep reading, learning, writing, and practicing. Enjoy the whole process and keep experimenting. Writing is a journey that’s worth taking despite spending lots of time and effort on it.

Enjoy your writing journey, keep shining, and provide valuable information for your readers. Remember to write as you talk, make a list of your common mistakes and find your purpose.

What's one thing you're going to try differently in your writing process after reading this article? Let me know in the comments. :)

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Habiba Lotfy
How To Increase Your Followers Number

Digital Marketer, AI enthusiast, and Writer. Sharing tips and insights on these topics to help you reach your goals with confidence and creativity.