6 things I have Learned About Gaining 100 followers!

Miss Victoria
How To Increase Your Followers Number
4 min readOct 31, 2022
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

I started my blog in May 2022, but didn’t commit fully until 2 weeks ago. Why? Well, I like to research things to death, out of fear of failure. So I should be super successful in just two weeks right? Wrong! I am only at 60 followers so far!

I have been finding myself struggling with gaining those last 40 followers so that I can FINALLY apply to the Medium Partner Program. Keeping a realistic publishing schedule and finding the most efficient way to promote your articles, feels like a gate kept secret! So while I may not have it perfected yet, I will tell you some of the secrets I have learned!

  1. Write Consistently! Well I mean duh. The more you write, the more articles you have ready to publish strategically and submit to publications! Having a healthy backlog of drafts will help when you begin to struggle with burnout or writers’ block.
  2. Publish Strategically! In my research, I have found that the best time to publish is early morning/afternoon and during the early week. That is not to say that posts on the weekend will not perform well. Every writer, reader, and article are different. Taking the time to design an individualistic approach will serve you well.
  3. Apply to Publications! A Publication is a page on Medium created to collect a specific set of articles or many different types of articles, kind of like a magazine. Utilizing the opportunity to submit your articles to publications does not prevent you from receiving credit for your work or for you to lose out on the monetization of the member reads. You are using the Publication’s pre-existing follower base to promote your articles and increase your footprint on the platform! Some will have a how-to guide on applying to be a writer for the platform but some you will need to dig and reach out to the Editors’ explaining why you should be a writer for them! Just Remember that it could take a few hours or days for them to publish your article or return it to you!
  4. Promote Promote PROMOTE! While you could get lucky and strike a massive reader base on Medium alone, it is not likely (sorry, I am just a realist). Whether you are using your personal Social Media profiles or you prefer to go by an alias online, promoting your articles outside of Medium can increase your readership and potentially gain you some new member signups which gains you money in the MPP!
  5. Interact and Respond! If you want to encourage a loyal reader base of other writers’, interacting and responding with other writers’ is a great way to become part of the community! Many writers’ are also readers and getting feedback can help you hone your articles and writing style! The follow-for-follow is fine for getting to the Medium Partner Program application, but you won’t get far without a loyal member reader base.
  6. Be Patient and Persevere! “Rome wasn’t built in a day!” To be successful on Medium, you need to be consistent and patient. For some, success comes within 2 months and for others it could take years. The difference is the level of commitment and perseverance you are willing to put into becoming successful on the platform!

While those Follow-for-Follow articles will get you to the goal of 100 followers, they won’t do much for you when it comes to making money and being successful in the Medium Partner Program. With that being said, if you have made it this far in the article, hit the follow button and comment with what you write about! Sell yourself to the readers on Medium and if they want to follow you, they will! If I see you have followed me, I will check out your page and leave some constructive responses (and follow if I feel I would be a regular reader of your page).

Thank you for taking the time to read my article and I hope that it has helped! Check out my other articles as well! If you have any questions, leave a comment or reach out to me on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter! Links below!




Much Love and Good Luck!

Miss Victoria

Miss Victoria

