Ask Me Questions! Anything You Like. | QnA | 1k Followers

Harsh Gaurav
How To Increase Your Followers Number
2 min readSep 2, 2022

I consider Writing on Medium to be one of the best Decisions which I have taken.

31 Articles, 91 Days, 990+ Followers!

Never did I Ever thought I would gain so much in Such a short Time!

It was all because of You and This hearty community we have here.

And Now, We will soon gain 1k Family on here, and I have a special Plan for this ;)

Let’s go for a QnA!

Ask Here:

Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

Ask me a Question, anything You Want!

You want to be Anonymous? Of Course, You can! :D

I have made the form keeping in mind of your Privacy. I would similarly hope for the needful Kindness in Forms. 😅

Anyways, I had this Idea in my head for a While. I would love to get a few Feedbacks.

Over these 3 Months, I have shared a Lot about myself. I didn’t thought an Introvert like me could have written this much, so Openly. I think I am Proud of Myself? XD

So, Once again the form is open for You. You can ask anything, Anytime You Want.

I am Waiting For Your Question:

Also, I have been back after a Full Week. And I am So Sorry for that! Even though I mentioned I would be regular on writing.😅

Past Days has been much of an Hassle for me. I was not healthy from my Mind.

Let’s hope for the Best!

~Follow Harsh Gaurav for a Follow and more of such Interestingly Random Content!



Harsh Gaurav
How To Increase Your Followers Number

I woke up one day ~_~ learnt about Medium O_O and realised how good writing is for me :O I am a simple man ^_^ Read ‘About’ Section for more ✍️(◔◡◔)