Here Are 2 Secrets To Writing Engaging Content

Habiba Lotfy
How To Increase Your Followers Number
5 min readMay 29, 2023
Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash

As writers, we all want to create content that resonates with our readers. But what's the secret to achieving that connection?
In this article, we'll discuss how to write engaging content that resonates with your readers and why being yourself and asking questions are two key elements to writing success.

1. Be yourself:

freepik from Freepik

The best writing comes from authenticity. The writing that'll attract more readers is when you're truly yourself.

- When you write in your own voice, your readers will be able to connect with you on a deeper level. They’ll feel like you’re one of them and that you’ve experienced the same things as them.

- Don't try to be someone you're not, just be yourself and let your personality shine through in your writing.

- People like to connect with real people that's why you need to show your true self and your real personality.

photoroyalty from Freepik

- Use examples from your personal experience and share your own thoughts and ideas.

- It's important to be yourself in your articles and writings. Your readers will appreciate it and they will feel like they know you which increases credibility and they will more likely trust you.

- When you are not trying to be someone you’re not, you’re free to be more creative and write about new topics and ideas and anything you’re passionate about. You can express yourself in your own way without restrictions.

- When you’re true to yourself and write without trying to be someone else, you’ll be more successful. People like authenticity and will more likely read your work if you are being yourself.

A week ago, I wrote this article.

I expressed myself and my feelings about something. I was truly myself. I wrote examples about my previous work and wrote the article as if I was talking to a friend.

And you know what happened?

People loved it! I received lots of comments from people loving the article and the tips I provided. People shared their own experiences with me and I was invited to be a writer in a publication.

- There’s no one right way to write. Find your own voice and use it to express yourself. Your readers will appreciate and love your authenticity.

- Being yourself as a writer is not always easy but it's easier than trying to pretend to be someone you're not.

- It's important to remember that your readers want to read your work because of who you are and what you'll offer. So don't be afraid to be yourself.

2. Ask questions:

Ann H from pexels

Being yourself creates a great connection with your readers as they'll trust you and will want to read more of your work.

But to engage with your readers, you also need to start asking them questions.

• Importance of asking questions:

Leeloo Thefirst from pexels

1- When you ask a question, you are inviting them to participate in the conversation, and can help you to better understand your readers.

2- Asking questions in your articles will make your readers share their experiences with you which can help you become more creative and inspire you to write new articles as you're opening up the possibility of different answers which can help you come up with new ideas and perspectives.

3- Asking questions can help you to connect with your readers. When you ask questions, you are showing that you are interested in what they have to share and want to know more about them.

4- Asking questions can also make your writing more clear as you always want to be more clear and concise. This might make your content more understandable.

• Here are 4 types of questions that you can ask your readers: (Of course, there are more types)

1. Relevant questions: from Freepik

Always make sure that the questions you ask are relevant to the topic of your article. This will help to keep your readers engaged and understand your article.

2. Thought-provoking questions:

storyset from Freepik

Ask questions that will make your readers think. These types of questions can spark discussions and conversations which will make you know your readers better.

3. Ask them to share their experience:

pch.vector from Freepik

When you ask your readers to share their experience, your question will build trust and they'll feel that you're interested in knowing their answers which builds a great connection between you and your audience.

4. Follow-up questions:

freepik from Freepik

These are questions that you ask after someone has answered your initial question. So make sure that you respond to your reader’s comments and ask them for more information. This will help you learn more about your audience and to get them more involved in the conversation.

Finally, don't forget to:

- Engage with your audience, reply to their comments, and discuss a certain topic with them. This will help you have a loyal audience that will genuinely support you and your work.

- Thank your readers for reading your articles and appreciate the time they've taken to read and support you.

- Always provide valuable information and respect your readers' time. Don't waste anyone's time.



Habiba Lotfy
How To Increase Your Followers Number

Digital Marketer, AI enthusiast, and Writer. Sharing tips and insights on these topics to help you reach your goals with confidence and creativity.