How I earned 100+ followers in just 48 hours!

How To Increase Your Followers Number
3 min readJan 9, 2023
Created at

It was just a typical Friday afternoon when I decided to embark on a 100-followers challenge. I had always been fascinated by the idea of gaining a large following here on Medium, but I had always struggled to break past the 100-follower mark.

But this time, I was determined to make it happen. I had heard about other people achieving similar feats in just a matter of days, and I was convinced that I could do the same if I put in the effort.

So, I set out with a clear intention in mind: to gain 100+ followers in by the end of the month here you can check it out.

At first, I wasn’t quite sure where to start. I had always been an active user here, but I had never put much thought into how to increase my following. But I knew that I had to get creative if I wanted to stand out in today’s crowded and competitive online landscape.

And so, I began brainstorming ideas for how to catch people’s attention and inspire them to follow me.

One idea that I had was to create a catchy, visually appealing post that would showcase my personality and interests. I spent hours brainstorming, and carefully curating the story to make it as eye-catching and engaging as possible.

I also knew that I needed to be more proactive in reaching out to other users and building relationships. So, I made a point of commenting on other people’s posts and their comments in my stories.

Finally, I made sure to be consistent in my posting and engagement, ensuring that I was regularly adding new content and interacting with my followers.

And the results were nothing short of amazing. In just 48 hours, I gained more than 100 new followers, with my content receiving quite more claps and comments than usual.

It just goes to show that with a clear intention, creativity, and determination, anyone can achieve their social media goals.

So, if you’re struggling to grow your following on social media, don’t give up! With a little bit of effort and a lot of passion, you too can achieve the success you’ve always dreamed of.

I was absolutely thrilled by my success, and as my following grew, I was constantly amazed by the support and encouragement of my followers.

They were always there to cheer me on, offer words of encouragement, and share their own experiences and insights.

And I knew that I couldn’t have achieved my success without their support.

Their engagement and enthusiasm for my content was a driving force behind my growth, and I was constantly inspired by their positivity and encouragement.

But the support of my followers wasn’t just limited to likes and comments. Many of them took the time to reach out to me personally, sharing their own stories and struggles and seeking advice and support.

And so, I made a point of regularly thanking my followers for their support.

Whether it was through comments, or even small gestures like claps, I wanted to make sure that they knew how much I appreciated them.

But my thanks didn’t stop there. I also made a point of engaging with my followers and listening to their feedback and ideas.

I wanted to know what they liked about my content, what they wanted to see more of, and how I could better serve them.

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