How I Gained 3k Followers On Medium In 5 Months

Copy My Exact Strategies

Hamza Shafiq
How To Increase Your Followers Number


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Over the past five months, my journey on Medium has been nothing short of everyday excitement as I’ve completed a remarkable following of 3,000 dedicated friends on Medium. This accomplishment took time; it resulted from different strategies, authentic engagement, and a deep understanding of the platform’s dynamics.

From the start, my approach was founded on quality over quantity. Crafting thought-provoking, well-researched articles became my hallmark. I invested considerable time and effort into selecting topics that resonated with my expertise and my potential audience’s interests. This ensured that every piece I published was a valuable addition to the platform’s content ecosystem.

Engagement, beyond mere metrics, was another side of my success. Rather than viewing Medium as a one-way street, I actively participated in the community. Meaningful comments on other writers’ articles showcased my insights and established a genuine connection with fellow writers. This reciprocity fostered a sense of camaraderie, which undoubtedly contributed to the growth of my followers.

