The Top 5 Writing YouTube Channels You Must Follow in 2024

Sabina Writes
How To Increase Your Followers Number
2 min readJun 27, 2023

The methods of learning and practicing writing have expanded in multiple ways. You can learn a wealth of information from YouTube channels.


The world of YouTube is now called the author tube. You can learn from thousands of videos that focus on writing craft, the dos and don'ts of writing, self-publishing, and the business of becoming a writer.

These channels are from authors, editors, and entrepreneurs who post videos daily to provide ongoing advice.

Check out these channels to improve your writing:

1. The Creative Penn:

The New York Times best-selling Author Joana Penn owns this channel. She covers a wide range of topics. She provides tips on Self-publishing, marketing, and becoming a successful author.

We have also known her for her thriller novels. She often collaborates with writers who provide tips about fiction, memoirs, and non-fiction. Joanna posts videos every week.

2. The Self-Publishing Formula:

Mark Dawson is a professional indie author who owns this channel. The self-publishing formula channel provides tutorials and collaborates with writers to talk about how social media advertising can change their careers. He posts new videos weekly on a different topic on his journey to becoming a successful indie author.

3. Books and Big Hair:

The Indie Author of Forgotten Girl and the Drowned Girl owns this book's channel. She provides book reviews, and book series, talking about books. She offers advice on becoming a literary agent and achieving your writing goals. She tells about her own experiences as a writer and mother to influence the audience.

4. Writing with Jenna:

Jenna has won the hearts of massive audiences with her sarcastic, and funny writing on her YouTube channel. She is a successful indie writer who posts videos about the dos and don'ts of writing. Her humor will keep you coming back for tips and laughter. She publishes new videos each week.

5. Author Level Up:

Michael La Ron owns this channel, on which he publishes videos about writing, marketing, and publishing. He also hosts live Q&A sessions with the audience. This will help you learn about writing while having fun.

Final words

Many successful writers love to share their experiences and strategies. I hope you will check out these YouTube channels to improve your writing and become a better writer.

What are your favorite YouTube channels?

Thanks for reading.

