I will help you reach 100 Followers

Rohan Patil
How To Increase Your Followers Number
3 min readFeb 16, 2023

I will follow you!!

If you’re a writer on the Medium platform, building a following can be a key factor in establishing yourself as a thought leader and gaining recognition for your work. Whether you’re a seasoned writer or just starting out, reaching a hundred followers can be a meaningful milestone. It can help you connect with more readers and establish a loyal readership for your content.

Photo by Giorgio Trovato on Unsplash

If you’re struggling to reach 100 followers on Medium, don’t worry — it’s a common challenge for many writers. I was also in the same boat 1 month ago now I am inching close to 1000 followers. Here are some tips to help you build your Medium following and reach that important 100-follower milestone

Write Quality Content

The most important factor in building a following on Medium is the quality of your content. Make sure to write well-researched, engaging, and informative articles that your readers will find valuable. This will help you establish credibility and build trust with your audience, which can lead to more followers over time.

Photo by Patrick Tomasso on Unsplash

Identify Your Niche

It’s important to identify your niche and write content that appeals to your target audience. Whether you’re writing about personal development, technology, or politics, make sure to write content that speaks to your audience’s interests and needs.

Promote Your Content

Don’t be shy about promoting your content on social media or other platforms. Share your articles with your followers and encourage them to share your work with their networks. This will help you reach a wider audience and attract more followers.

Engage with Your Audience

Engagement is crucial for building a following on Medium. Make sure to respond to comments and messages from your readers, and interact with your followers as much as possible. This will help you build relationships with your readers and establish a sense of community around your content.

Photo by Simon Hurry on Unsplash

Follow Other Writers

Following other writers on Medium can help you get noticed and build your own following. Find writers in your niche who you admire and follow their work. Engage with their articles and leave thoughtful comments. This can help you attract the attention of other writers and their followers.

Join Publications

Joining publications on Medium can help you reach a wider audience and attract more followers. Look for publications in your niche and submit your articles for publication. This can help you establish yourself as an expert in your field and gain more exposure for your work.

I suggest you join and read some of the articles here How to increase your follower Number

Photo by Gabriella Clare Marino on Unsplash

In conclusion, building a following on Medium takes time and effort. But by following these tips and staying consistent with your content, you can reach 100 followers and beyond. Remember to write quality content, identify your niche, promote your work, engage with your audience, follow other writers, and join publications. With dedication and persistence, you can build a meaningful readership on Medium and reach new heights as a writer.

To sum this up

Write → Read → Respond → Repeat

Give this a chance and see the results for yourself and thank me later.

Thank you very much for reading,

As I mentioned in my first line. I will Follow everyone who interacts with this post. Feel free to clap, comment or follow me.

All the best

