10 Minutes, 1 Word, Infinite Possibilities Contest



As you can read at the start, this is the word that I got for the Medium Writers Contest: 10 Minutes, 1 Word, Infinite Possibilities!

The word that I got from the Random Noun Generator!

Now let’s get started without wasting another moment. (Because I’ve got only 10 mins to write about this word)

The Clock is Ticking!

As time passes, I am starting to wonder how often we have heard or had to implement “replacement”. This can be for anything, for example, replacing something with another.

That, however, implies a simple truth: Nothing is permanent in life!

There comes a time when everything is replaced by something else and only memories are left behind.

Despite the fact that it is a random word that was generated for this contest, it made me think for a while.

In order to achieve that milestone, complete that task, reach that goal, launch that business, land that job, etc., we give it our all. That is eventually replaced by something else.

When we are so determined to reach that goal or reach that target, we sometimes sacrifice a lot and suffer alone.

But do you ever think what would you do after reaching it? Will it still feel the same?

Rather than sacrificing everything and suffering, why not enjoy the whole process?

Sometimes, the journey is far better than the goal and that is what we tend to forget in our pursuit of happiness.

Now there goes my time. (10 minutes got over so quickly!)

Woah! the time went so fast. But still, I would like to continue for a little longer.

I just want you all to be as happy as possible. Enjoy and embrace every single day. Try and experiment with different things: either you’ll achieve something new(replacing your existing achievement) or gain experience.

And eventually, it’s a win-win for you!

Additionally, I would like to thank Oscar Soto ⚡ for this amazing contest. The idea of writing randomly about anything is so good, it feels really amazing!

I’ve just started writing a while back and consider myself a total noob (that’s what we call a beginner in the gamers community). But by attempting this challenge, my confidence to write just leveled up!



Anup Nagdeve ⭐
How To Increase Your Followers Number

Data-driven marketer with a passion for exploring diverse topics. You can see me writing about data, personal growth or discovering a lesser known fact!