How I got over 1000 followers on Medium in a month and a half

A guide to getting superfast growth & engagement for your Medium account & articles

Joshua maos
How To Increase Your Followers Number


a picture celebrating 1000 followers.
Image made by author on Canva.

For anyone new to reading my articles, I recently wrote an article about getting 500 followers in a month.

In that article, I spoke on methods I used to get to 500 followers. So, before I speak on new methods I’ve found to accelerate my growth — I strongly urge you to go read that article. It’s pinned so you won’t struggle to find it.

Without further ado: here is the jaw-dropping never seen before advice I am about to give you…

Write everyday

Only kidding. Come on, did you really think I would get you all excited for a platitude like that? If you’ve read my work, You should know by now that I am a little more creative than that.

Here’s the real secret…

Write every hour

Okay, now I’ve had my fun, enough of the jokes. Let’s get into some additional techniques & strategies I have utilised to gain followers at a velocitous rate.

Bear my overuse of the word ‘velocitous’. It just sounds so suave. And It also sounds like an energy drink that gives you a cardiac arrest in 22 minutes after consuming it.



Joshua maos
How To Increase Your Followers Number

Freelance copywriter & content writer. Writing on a myriad of different subjects. A student of life. A creative & intrepid mind.