Where to Make More Money — Medium or Substack?

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4 min readMar 10, 2023


Image made by Author and a part from RobinHiggins via pixabay

As a writer, one of the biggest challenges is monetizing your craft. Fortunately, many online platforms now offer ways for writers to earn money from their content. Two of the most popular platforms are Medium and Substack. But which platform is better for making money? In this article, we’ll take a detailed look at the pros and cons of each platform and help you decide which is the best fit for your writing.

Medium: Pros and Cons

Medium is a popular blogging platform that allows writers to publish their content to a large audience. The platform also offers a partner program that pays writers based on the engagement their articles receive from Medium subscribers. Here are the pros and cons of using Medium to make money:


  • Wide audience: Medium has a large user base which means that your content has the potential to reach a broad audience.
  • Easy to use: The platform is easy to use, and the editor is intuitive, making it easy to create and publish content.
  • Built-in monetization: The partner program offers a way for writers to earn money based on the engagement their articles receive from Medium subscribers.
  • Analytics: Medium provides detailed analytics that allows writers to track the…

