YEPEEE… I finally got 100 followers

How To Increase Your Followers Number
1 min readJun 2, 2024

I am very excited to tell you that I have hundred (100) of followers on Medium.

Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

I started this journey on Medium in July 2023. I was very excited to write on Medium and nervous at the same time. I was very sad when I did not get any response on my story for 4 months. I thought to myself that I should not waste my time but after 4 months I got a follower. I was very happy. And I thought that it is possible that I am not wasting my time.

This is an experience of how my journey on Medium started. Now my story gets views, people like and appreciate my articles and this is a big success for me on Medium.

My only purpose of writing this article is to tell those people who have just started writing on Medium and like me feel that time is being wasted, then it is not so, just wait a little, you keep writing, you will definitely get success.



How To Increase Your Followers Number

Welcome to my world, I will share with you the things that I have seen and felt in this beautiful world.