Hardcover copy of “The Last House on Needless Street” by Catriona Ward

I’m So Mad About “The Last House on Needless Street”

Writers, I swear if you keep doing this I will have a meltdown in the food court and stab my cousin.

Kaya Jean VanAntwerpen
Published in
6 min readJun 3, 2021


The Last House on Needless Street is another critical darling that employs what is arguably the most tired trope in horror, all while telling a pseudo-empathetic story that portrays a demonized community as pitiable and incapable of agency.

I’m tired of it and I’m ready to bathe this food-court Sbarro’s in the blood of my least-favorite family member if you don’t all knock it off.

The Last House on Needless Street

Genre: Crime, Psychological Thriller, Body Horror

Release Date:
March 18, 2021 (audiobook September 28, 2021)


Click Here to Order The Last House on Needless Street from Amazon

The Last House on Needless Street follows awkward shut-in Ted and his loyal sidekick, Olivia the cat. Something horrible may or may not have happened in Ted’s past. He was



Kaya Jean VanAntwerpen
WAYWARD Magazine

Transgender journalist and musician from Grand Rapids, Michigan. Hear noises at chasingthesky.bandcamp.com. Inquiries to kay@kreisaumedia.com