What is the reason for your choice of faction in Wazana.io?

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3 min readOct 26, 2017

Are you wondering « Which faction should I choose? » or « What is the difference between them? »… when playing at Wazana.io ? Find some answers below:

Three factions are fighting on the WAZANA Map. They each have a specific expertise. But they all need the same resources to prosper and evolve. That’s why the three of them have a building for matter creation and another for energy creation. These resources allow them to develop their own buildings, units and knowledge.

– The BAAKO for instance have close range units with the shape of a sting. This shape is efficient to strike the enemy, laser shoots target the enemy’s units and buildings.

DEADELUS have flash units, it creates a big flash circle around them to hurt the enemy and the DEADELUS long-range units have a focuser that can trigger an enemy unit for a long time.

– The ODDALRIC develop units with cutting arms which damage enemy when it rotates, like a shuriken, and their long-range units can go through the enemy which damage him and make it hard to hunt.

The three Factions BAAKO, DEADELUS and ODDALRIC all have a research center too! It aims at developing specialist knowledge of the unit, so when playing; you will definitely need this research center. The faction’s knowledge are important as if you understand it well and use them smartly, it can make you gain extra points and win.

BAAKO’s Faction relies its know-how on knowledge, matter and shape, thus they became able to play with their units’ appearance and protection. As an example: having a shield on your units can make you win a battle and that could lead you to the victory. Invisible units allow you to make surprising strikes and confuse the enemy strategy. Plus being able to cure you units is a strong advantage as you will need to build less units.

Time can be a strong ally too, that’s why DEADELUS’s Faction chooses to focus on this aspect. Developing buildings and units faster can make you evolve a lot more and allow you to be the first to attack. Then if you accelerate the time at the right moment, it will be too late for your enemy to respond at your strategy. What’s more, if you slow down the time, you can calmly react to your enemy move.

Lastly, the Faction ODDALRIC uses its travel expertise and asset as an advantage. First, they need less energy to teleport through a portal so this is a lot easier for you to launch an attack or take your units back in base. Having fast units make your attack more effective as your units will quickly reach their target. If you feel insecure, you can close the portal for a certain period of time thanks to the power of ODDALRIC to prevent any attack or they can create a second portal on your map which will send units back to the enemy base.

Let’s start playing on http://wazana.io and choose your faction!

Originally published at blog.wazana.io on October 26, 2017.




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