WAZIHUB launches it’s first IoT Innovation Competition in 6 African countries

Are you an entrepreneur in the field of IoT? A maker in your soul? Are you keen to learn new things and bring your idea to life? WAZIHUB IoT prototyping competition is for you!

Wazihub IoT
2 min readApr 9, 2020


WAZIHUB has launched its first IoT Prototyping competition to support IoT enthusiasts learn and bring to life innovative prototypes with the help of our trainers and the WAZIUP technology (software and hardwares).

The competition is implemented in 6 African countries in collaboration with distinguished tech hubs, partners of the project namely: Kumasi Hive in Ghana, iLabAfrica in Kenya, SONATEL in Senegal, The MakerSpace Foundation in South Africa, Hive Colab in Uganda and DTBi in Tanzania.

WAZIHUB vision is to foster IoT deployment in Africa, engaging startups and entrepreneurs for rapid prototyping with the Open Source low-cost WAZIUP IoT LoRa technologies” Says Abdur Rahim, WAZIHUB Project Coordinator.

This innovation competition, first of its kind in sub-Saharan Africa, is open to all IoT enthusiasts who want to build a prototype of their invention and develop a scalable business model. WAZIHUB aims to help makers build working prototypes and stand a chance to win monetary prizes.

A WAZIUP IoT kit will be given to each team selected for the competition and 1000 € award will be given to the top 3 innovative prototypes.

Applications are open until the 30th of April for Developers, Engineers or Startups.

You can propose your idea in the following areas:

WAZIHUB highly welcomes project ideas that could help in treating, testing, monitoring or other aspects of the Coronavirus pandemic.

Benefits of WAZIHUB IoT Prototyping Competition

· Get free IoT development kits

· Get access to expert knowledge in IoT

· Get free training on IoT rapid prototyping

· Build a working prototype

· Wake up the competitor in you

Eligibility criteria

· Have basic knowledge in IoT technology and hardware programming

· Have a team with a maximum of 3 members (the role of each member should be justified)

· Individuals who apply must have technical and business background

· Your solutions should address an identified problem and should be within these domains (Agriculture and Farming / logistics and Transportation / Industry 4.0 / environment and Energy / Smart city and Home)

· Your solutions should be innovative and should be implemented using the Waziup technology (for the competition)

Female team lead and members are highly encouraged.

WAZIHUB Website: www.wazihub.com

Call for application: https://wazihub.com/challenge/



Wazihub IoT
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Enabling Solution Providers to Innovate & Build Low-Cost End to End IoT Solutions